Friday, October 26, 2007

Another milestone

My baby managed to roll over on his own for the very first time just an hour ago!! Initially I tot my hubby had to help him but I was wrong...Previously he could roll to his side but he would still need a helping hand to roll over till he is on his stomach. Well, not anymore :) Oh ...he started drooling for almost 2 weeks now (see picture on the left)... I'm also wondering if he is teething coz since yesterday he seems to have slight fever - on and off...and since two days ago, he sometimes sleep on his side...Both hubby and my little baby are asleep at the moment while I'm trying to keep my eyes open to complete my assignment so that I can enjoy the weekend!


Deana E said...

wah sioknya, me and my sister watched for the first time our niece took her first step and it was an awesome feeling.

JPP Papa said...

congrats on the baby development. Sure fun watching the baby makes his first movement. As always, Ethan seems to be ready to face the world. Make sure the camera always there :D

Aunty J said...

Deana & PapaJoneh:
Actually I just got to know that actually Ethan didnt get to roll over on his stomach on his own. Hubby said he did actually helped...ade'! Bini dia kesukaan uda sampai p blog..tapi tinguk2 false alarm!! hahaha...but according to hubby, Ethan rolled to his side very fast tht time and tot he could roll over on his stomach on his own...too bad he got stucked and started to dear hubs had to help him ... another ade' hehehe...