Our conversation this morning when I was about to give Ethan his morning milk:
Aunty J: Ba kau kasi bangun dia and kasi dia sanyum and katawa ah, sia mau ambil gambar dia (wake him up and make him smile so I can take his pictures)
Hubby: Ok
Hubby went to the baby cot to unzip the mosquitto net and called out Ethan's name...Ethan as usual will strecth to his heart's content and gave us his gorgeous morning smile...Mommy aka Aunty J excitedly tried to capture the melting moments like nobody business. The camera went snap snap snap...but too bad my digi cam is only a normal 3.2 megapixel Nikon Coolpix 4100 :( So I failed to capture many of his smiling and laughing moments...not fast enough...sigh..But being the very determine person tht I am (which can be pretty annoying at times - ask my hubby hehe..), I persuaded hubby to keep on making Ethan smile and while sweet hubby keep making funny faces and sound to make our baby smile and laugh, our conversation went:
Hubby: Ba capat la, sia mau pigi jamban nie (be quick as I need to go to the loo)
Aunty J: Jangan dulu, kasi katawa dia lagi (hang on, make him smile some more first...)
and so poor hubby continued despite his nature's call...till...
Hubby: Ba ok la, sia pigi tandas luk (Ok, that's enough, let me go to the loo first...)
Aunty J: Nanti dulu, sia mau tangkap dia punya gambar tasayum and katawa dulu (hang on coz I still want to capture his smile and laughter first...)
After a few attempts, hubby started to move away but Aunty J quickly block his way till hubby said:
Hubby: Ba jangan mara ah kalau sia takancing (don't blame me if I peed in my pants..)
Aunty J reluctantly had no choice but to give way...sigh...
Anyway, I took many pictures of Ethan in the hope to catch his brightest and cutest smile again...but after taking almost 40 snaps or so & poor hubby having to control his bladder...this is all that I got...
Nonetheless, being the determine person that I am, I tried again when hubby was playing with Ethan later in the evening...and again due to my limited features digi cam, I only managed to catch one blurry shot of him laughing despite the many snapping away...SIGH...can anyone tell me which camera shoud I upgrade to??!!
hahaha kesian si Alvin..eh Jatt, if you wants to purchase another camera..go for Sony Cybershot N50. It's a touch screen and it couldn't be easier to change to whatever mode you want in just a click of your fingers.
our baby boy is so cute ...chubby!! Gerigitan sia!! And poor hubby hahahaha
Si Ethan SO BIG and CUTE! I missed him at Mona's -- rugi rugi!! (my cousin's wedding bah)
Oh gosh typo typo..i meant your baby..not our baby!! Gosh!!'blush'
Memang kau ni desperate mommy! Kesian si Alvin kena dera, LOL
Thanks for the tips! ;p
Thanks and hehe dont worry I always have typo errors too..BTW, I saw the big banner for the fitness centre in City Mall that features your "kick ass" photo on it! Woweee...later if I got the chance I take a picture and send to u k :)
hahaha...don't worry coz am pretty sure you will see him one of these days :)
Ba bila lagi kan! hahaha...
Aduiidogook....memang pun kau nie desperate...haha...
Poor Alvin...
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