We were attending a friend's wedding in Kota Belud when we came across this traditional and old fashion bamboo/wooden "gate". One either has to climb over (from the side) or slide the bamboo "gate" before entering someone's compound.
Seeing the bamboo "gate" had me thinking how Ethan may not be able to experience some of the kampung life (which is really not a kampung standard if I really think about it as compared to our parents' time..) that me and my brothers used to experience during our childhood time.
Gone were the days when playing in the mud, playing marbles (main guli), "police & thief", climbing trees (including the so called haunted "pokok ara"), fishing (especially ikan karuk) with simple fishing rod using just bamboo and tiny pin as a hook, catching grasshopper (tangkap belalang), getting yourself dirty trying to catch tadpoles (tangkap berudu) were considered pure enjoyment. Today's kids are more incline towards expensive toys such as computer games, gameboy and playstation. But with the much talked about technology advances, what more can we say...just hope that some day, someone out there will write and compile about the many traditional games or kampung life especially in Sabah that was once enjoyed by the older generations as they are after all part of our history don't you think? :)
Talking about toys... hubby used Ethan's tiny towel to entertain him this afternoon and it did excite our precious till he got bored hehe... hmmmm a really cheap form of toy as it only cost less than RM1 for the tiny towel as compared to his other real toys! If only he can stick to this kinda toy till he is grown up...yeah keep dreaming girl!
This video clip was taken after he was almost bored with the game. I should have taken when he first got excited so you can see his funny facial expression hehe..
and of coz after his playtime it was nap time for my sweetie pie thus the blogging mommy :)
I just love taking his pictures when he is asleep...
Alamak.. tinguk la ini anak kau ni Joyce..! Geramnya aku tinguk gendut.. Mcm sia mau cubit2 tu pipi dia...kiut bah!
Sia pun suka baby tidur... siok. Hilang tension. Penat pun .. trus hilang tu penat klu tinguk dorang tidur.. Klu tersenyum lagi best..!
Alaa.. nah.. sia rindu suda si Maya. Mcm mau pulang jak...
yabah...gone were d good ol simple days...i loved playing "police & thief" wt d boys...konon can outrun them...haha! my fav also included "zero point" + "in & out"...wonder if they still play those in schools...
w/out all d high tech stuff...we still had tonnes of fun kan!
Oh ya, our kids sure miss a lot of highly physical but also high in fun games of our childhood. I sure miss "main gatah"...Merdeka!
Ethan is so cute lah - I cannot stop saying this!! I love the way babies sleep, arms out with not a single care in the world
hi joyce..lucky i moved to penampang early in my primary school and stayed with grandpa for a while, if not i wouldn't know what are you talking about LOL!!!!..gone are the days ha...
Haha...ko nie ;p YA!! Siok oh tinguk baby tidur kan...I like!!
Oh yes, zero point was one of my fav games too! hehe... Ya ba masi jua kita enjoy even wtout those fancy gadgets of today kan :)
haha ya main gatah and saying Merdeka!! haha...Ya i know wat you mean seeing them sleeping with their arms out!! haha
Deana E:
Ohhh thank goodness you did ha! :)
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