The Rules:
- Link to your tagger and post these rules.List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
- Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
- Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs
So here goes :-
- I'm a stubborn old cow when I need to be or want to be ;p
- I DO NOT take raisins simply because I don't like the texture when my teeth sink into the flesh - it feels yucky to me ;p
- I'm a typical Virgoan - perfectionist and like things to be in order and like to plan ahead which can be annoying at times hehe...
- I love EGGS!! I can eat eggs anytime of the day but have to refrain myself now as I have high cholesterol :(
- I still can't swim although I've tried many times to learn from swimming coach and friends - guess I'm afraid of the water or rather from drowning ;p
- I'm a librarian by profession and am proud of it though am no longer working in a library environment. But my previous jobs help me a lot in my current job especially in terms of doing research :)
- I got married late at 35 years of age (yeah, I'm not afraid to tell my age hee..) and enjoying my life with hubby & my 5 mths ++ old precious :)
- My mum, myself and my precious baby Ethan are all born under the year of Pig - yeah 3 generations of piggies! Good fengshui people said ;p
So that's 8 random facts about me.
Once again I'm gonna break the rules coz instead of tagging 8 people, I'm just gonna tag 5. And as Deana nicely put it, this is juz to get to know you better hee..So folks, you're tagged:
Yeah, if I've tagged you b4, here I am striking you again!! Haha!
Hmmmm at least this is an easy one hehehe... since my tagger tag only '5' blogger, then the same rules automatically apply to this 'taggee' (person being tag?)
Thank you for doing the tag.I didn't know you are a librarian by profession. Then you must know my friends, Antonia,Jennifer and Nelly.It's still not to let to learn swimming. Married late, most people now married late.No problem ba tu as long as you married the right man and get married because you wanted to and not because other people want you to. he he panjang pula my comment nie..
Deana, I know Antonia, Jennifer and Nelly too :-)
Aunty J - when it comes to swimming, you and me are the same. LOL!
Hehehe..its up to you. Rules are meant to be broken anyway ;p
Deana E:
Ya, I know them 3 :) I think am giving up on swimming oredi hehe...As for married late, I have no problem with that at all. Otherwise I will hide the facts about it ;p
Hahaha...I didn't know you're in the same boat as me on this matter! haha..
jewelle, Joyce ( aunty J sound like my aunty jenny hahaha), i went to antonia house last saturday and talk to her about blogging..but she is too occupied with the 2 kids.
aunty j, nanti ethan besar you bring him to learn and you can learn too.i know a good coach.i learn within few months ja,earlier this year..syiok oh can swim!! one of my greatest achievement!
my wife cannot swim too.. simply she said, 'I DON'T WANT TO!". yaikkkss and I'm a King Scout - crazy about swimming... what a match eh? :D
Librarian pulak u dis, dulu. Macam ada banyak buku yg sia pinjam hilang sudah. buruk perangai betul kan :D
Ya betul tu. Biar lambat kahwin, as long as happy. See, Ethan now ... thats a very worthy wait, don't you think so :D
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