So what did I get? Let me proudly showcase them here:

Let me pass this award to Foreign Beauty, PapaJoneh & Mom's Life

I now pass this award to Jewelle, KadazanBonita, Jurra, Chegu Carol & Osindak

Sharing this award with Hannie's Glad to be here, StoryMorytoShare, Neneth, Mcellen
Congrats honey!!!
thank you Aunty J *hugs*
Thank you so much for the award :D XOXO!
Well, congratulations to you Aunty J :D
Wow.. you indeed got many awards. But you deserved friend. It shows that people thought of you and in some interesting way affected their lives through your writing. Imagine later you have your own Dot Com. Fulamak. Lagilah bertimbun award kau nanti tu ;)
Oh ya, thanks for considering my blog as same as Cindy. She more deserved this than me. And on behalf of JPPMom, I thank you too :)
Poor Papa here
Eh.. I got an award!!! Yay!!! Thank you Aunty J! Will clean the rack first before I can display on my place. :D
Congratulations on your many awards that you deserve! You indeed are the best! :D
PS: PapaJoneh, jgn cakap macam tu bah.. I cry nanti this. Everyone have the best blog, of course! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. *wink*
wow wee!! thanks AJ! mmmuah! Aku pun dapat satu.. hugs!!
Thanks for the never ending support dear ;p and yes, I know who you are hee...
CheguCarol/ Emelda/ PPJ/ Cindy & Osindak:
You're welcome ;p
Thanks hee...
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