Despite their very tight schedule, I'm really glad that we've managed to meet up in KK (they used to work in KL) last Saturday. It was their second time meeting Ethan (the first time was when Ethan was merely a month plus) and my prince sure does like both of them especially Subi :)

To my dear J and Subi, have a safe journey to UK and do keep in touch!! Jay, please start your blog so we know what you'll be up to okie! ;p And yes, sorry I know you said no pics in my blog but this blog is like a reference tool for me... in case I become senile when I'm old, at least these pics will help me to remember you my dear friend! haha...excuses! ;p Till we meet again, take care you both!! :) We'll definitely gonna miss you both!!
Oh btw, since you'll be an English Tai-tai (rich "English" housewife) very soon J, I hope you won't be tempted to check the top online casino site! ;p You know am talking about hehehe...
10 comments: gonna miss them so much! Can't wait to hear their news when they finally settled down.
p/s She's so gonna kill you for this :-p
aunty J..bikin ketawa la ko punya note tu..cari usin bukan mo promote..sia pun macam ko ba but never thought about kasih note pula..hope the advertiser tidak understand ha ha
jewelle, are they the friend yang you mentioned to me? ko lupa sudah mangkali nie
Jewelle: gonna miss them too!! Ya I've pestered J to create her own blog there hehehe...and haha...I oredi told her abt the pics...she said "cilaka!" haha..
haha tula sia tulis dlm BM (with Sabah slang) supaya dorang tiak paham hehehe...shhh... 1st time here..Punya kiut ur baby!! :) Bulat2 gitu..
Welcome to my blog and thanks for dropping by!! :) Do come again ya :)
She looks so familiar!!!!
I think my younger sister's friend lah if I not mistaken. Siapa sudah ni ah? I better ask my sister.
Deana : Ya, you remembered! Diorang lah tu but at that time, I thought you live in KL.
PapaJ : She is your sis friend. I told you about it, remember?
jewelle..sure i tajam juga ingatan nie.hehe me in kk ja ba hahaha
sndp k ) eu 13
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