I know there are some people who has superb flirting skills...I am not sure if they have it as inborn skills or learnt skills through experience or through trials and errors. I for one is hopeless when it comes to flirting coz I guess it is just not me to flirt. That is not good news as I do believe that a bit of flirting can comes in handy for certain situations. If you're late checking in for your flight for instance, you maybe able to use a bit of flirting skills (provided you approach the opposite gender) to help you get on that plane. There are some who use their subtle flirting skills to get a job or to get better pay. However, I do find myself feeling amused with people who tried to flirt but just doesn't seem to use the right pick up line. I am sure all of you must have encountered such incidents and I bet you and your friends would have a good laugh afterwards hehehe...Anyway, just for the fun of it, you may want to try your level of flirtatious behaviour by joining the
Extreme Style by VO5 Ultimate Flirting Championship and try to achieve the
Victory Hair. In the game, you can either be the judge or the flirter where you need to outflirt your opponent to get the so called victory hair ;p Please don't ask what was my score like as it was pretty pathetic!! hahaha...But if you're game for a good fun game, go try it out yourself! ;p

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