I attended the CD workshop organized by Sandra the Ms Mia Bambina yesterday. As stated in my title, the first workshop was on night cloth diapering. There were 4 CD mommies i.e. Deana, Osindak, Joyce S. and of course yours truly. Celine was supposed to join us but unfortunately she couldn't make it. Guess what you missed out Celine, your super yummy beautiful cup cakes from Deana!!Huhuuu... Oh dang, I forgot to take pictures of the cup cakes...oh well, maybe Deana might have posted it in her blog ;p Anyway, it was good to be able to discuss as well as sharing of information/knowledge about night cloth diapering with the lovely mommies. I must admit, I was the only mummy who hasn't have the gut to put Ethan on CD at night yet. Reason being I'm just worry the CD might leak or worst Ethan gets rashes (since he has quite a sensitive tooshie hehe..) if its too wet for his bum bum for hours. I'm also worry in case I sleep through the night without changing his CD (if necessary)...Maybe I should try it out soon since I've bought a few fleece and minky CDs especially for night use ;p Anyway, we had a quiz to test our knowledge on different types of CDs and I'm ashamed to tell you that I failed it miserably hehehe...but thank goodness am not alone...well, you see, I only use 2 types of CDs so far i.e. pockets and all in one (excuses hehe...) Well, Joyce S. is really good coz she got all answers correct and won a lovely smell soap from Sandra's online store!!

The participants: Me, Osindak, Deana and Joyce S.

Bought 6 wipes, Magic stick and the natural vapor rub all for Ethan ;p
Hi Joyce, my bad I missed yesterday session. :( It was a last minute thing, wws ready to go but I had unexpected visitors. Would love to meet all the CD Mommas in person , I guess I hafta wait the next time.
yay I won. hihihi. wah, sia nervous kama masa ambil tu test. Hahahaha....
we are not qualify to join the next one but i think sandra can always have a makan makan session and shopping session at her place..never plan to buy cd till august but i just can't stop my hand from grabbing not just one but two for sona..well, thank to joyce's tip of using MPB as a night diaper..
check the cupcakes picture at my blog..i love the colour comby and love the polca dot eaten by joyce hahaha
wah,syok u guys..too bad i cant join too..(but at least I get to eat deana's cuppies)..hehe..may be should gather again next time..for makan? LOL
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