I guess some of you may have already known this useful tip (I learnt it from my dear mom few yrs back and have been using it ever since
hehe..) but nonetheless I just want to remind you to keep a small bottle of talcum powder in the office or in your handbag if you do carry around with you a huge handbag
hehe...I can tell you that it will definitely be very useful if you're a clumsy person like how yours truly have been the past two days...I don't know why but I seem to be spilling either water or juice or even the oily beef macaroni that I had for lunch on my dress or top the past two days...I had to grab a small talcum powder from the supermarket yesterday afternoon just to clean up the oil stain on my "
baju kurung" yesterday...and what do you know...I did it again this afternoon on my top...so if you ask me if it works...see these pics for yourself and tell yourself to get that talcum powder in your office drawer as you never know when you gonna need it ;p
Oil spill thanks to my beef macaroni and my clumsiness :(
But worry not coz I have the talcum powder to the rescue!! Just put some powder on the oil spill and use your finger to put a little bit of pressure...normally I'll put some powder till I don't see the oil sipping through the powder...
After a few minutes....just dust the powder away and tadaaa....the oil stain gone with the wind! Magic isn't it!!?? Haha...
hahaha.. I wonder what happened to the stain? Its also a trick I always use during school time. After that, I stop using talcum powder.. dunno y.
ooh, now i know the trick already. how about removing market pen stains? any tips?
Talcum power could do that? I didn't know....something new I learned today!
wow...thanks so this great tip...
Wow, that's amazing!! I never knew these stuff you know.. Malu sia.. :P
wowww what a great info! sia inda tau ohhh.. thanks a lot AJ!!
me also don't know...adeh!!
anyway..thanx for the tips, from today, i will bring a talcum powder everywhere..hehe
Wow! wonders of talcum! thx for de tip :)
ok very cool. the last time i was clumsy like that...i found out some real good news....;)
Wow!~ this is superb!~ thankx for the info~~~~
hi..i really dont know abt this..thanks for sharing. I def will use it..my top or dress always have stain on it especially having kids around all the time
by d way. any specific brand kah for the powder?
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