Nope...Ethan is not going through that stage yet but I came across a blog entry about the daughter getting out of control...looking at her age she is probably going through that terrible phase...I read that kids will normally go through this stage from just before they turn 2 and may last till they are 3. I read that it is due to the reason that they are able to make their own decision and that they want to make their own decision even if you do not agree with them. And when you don't agree with them they will feel frustrated thus the smoke starts coming out from their nose and ears hee...Anyway, if you read more about this phase you will find that most will ask you to be more empathy and give limited options (1-3 options only) to them to calm them down. The degree of "terribleness" among these children varies...Some may become your cute terrible little monsters that you wonder what had happened to you darling little one..while others may not be as terrible...I just hope when Ethan goes through this phase he won't be that bad..hee.. All fingers crossed! But looking at his short temper character (thanks to his mum hee..) I just hope that he won't drives us up the wall!! Anyway, I'm just getting myself and hopefully hubby ready so that we are ready to deal with Ethan when he reaches this phase. So I've listed a few articles here for our reference and perhaps you may want to read them too especially if you have a toddler around the age of 18-36 months old :)
If you happened to have gone through this phase with smooth sailing and successfully please do drop us some tips too :)
We have gone through the terrible "two" of crystal and pearl, they were curious in everything and everyways at that age I must say. It is a learning process for them that we have to bear with.
mine is not only terrible two.. it drag on till 5!!!
and I've two to experience it.. LOL
Etan look so cute in here.. hahhaa..
you learn how to handle k..nanti i'll ask you for advice hahaha.
i think its starting early in Elil. while everyone else around her is frustrated n telling me she's becoming naughty or terrible, i choose to think of it differently. she's curious n shes learning independence. we need to understand this. n the last thing im going to do is 'discipline' her. i think we need to be more patient and change our response instead of expect a 1.5 - 2 year old to change their ways. its all apart of their developnment n learning. elil is starting to want to do everything on her own, without assistance and she will throw a tantrum if u dont allow her. the best way i handle is to distract her, find something else of interest. unfortunately a lot of older generation/old fashioned ppl dont see it this way. many probably think im spoiling her. i disagree.
Must admit liam is better at 3 than when he was 2. Ally is showing the signs of terrible 2 at the age of 1..sigh
How we deal with them is how they're gonna turn out to be. 2 or 3 is generally the most challenging age but if we assume it's terrible, then it is. I was ignorant the first time around but now in my 2nd time, I cherish this age cos it's the best time to help them develop and to just enjoy the amazing things they do.
The out of control daughter is mine.. ahhh... PENGSAN the Daddy and Mummy... but these few days quite ok...
i learn something new today by visiting your blog... i never knew there is this phase in baby life!!??
Although i cant wait to have my own lil one in future..but at the same time all this making me feel nervous..:( I wonder if i can be a good mom??
Thanks AuntyJ for the info. :)
there will also be terrible 3 or 4.. hehe
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