It was indeed an enjoyable time especially for Ethan...and when we finished at the pool...we had to struggle to get Ethan out of the pool!! Thank goodness he wasn't complaining when I gave him a bath him at Tweety's mansion - remember he is after all a water boy ;p And happy to say we were served yummylicious pasta and curry while chilling out at Tweety's that evening after the swimming...so our special thanks to dear Ms Tweety for letting Ethan play in the pool as well as for the super delicious meals! So be warned as we folks will be back!!! ;p
your waterboy is soooo cute! with the long hair he looks like the japanese beach boys! kekeke
Hi Ethan, wah like long time already tidak nampak dia, and his hair long already...i love his curls ooo. Kiss kiss from aunty Joyce muah!!
Wahh..He grown up already.. Soo cute... padan lah kena kiss kiss..
Thanks hehe..oh really? Wahhh if he becomes a superstar then his mummy can become famous too!! Yeah I know...I can dream on right! haha..
Hehehe..thks ;) We shld hv a CD mummies gathering soon kan :)
Cath J:
Brabis dia mau escape last2 tu coz dia mau main Anne's laptop hehehe
AuntyJ ..ethan got curly hair too kan ..he is cute waterboy ohh ..
aiyoh, his hair so long already. so cute la
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