As it was going to be his first real hair cut, I brought along some toys and his current favourite brochure (he has a thing about brochure ..he will look at it for a long time as if he was reading it hee...) to distract him if he gets restless during the hair cut. Have a look how it went ;p
There goes his long curls...
Ethan with his questioning look : "what is this uncle doing to my hair mummy??" ;p
Since he didn't want to wear the cover to keep the hair away from him, we took off his shirt, put on some talcum powder on him and started giving him one of his toys...and from sitting down...
Ethan looking bored and giving me the "are you finished with your stint as paparazzi mummy??!" ;p
Overall, it only took the hair stylist about 10-15 mins. Ethan was great with just a little bit of moving around. I would rate him 8/10 ;p I guess the toys and brochure were good companions too took me and hubby a while to get use to his new look but I think am beginning to like it though I do still miss his curly hair ;p
Oh mind you, the hair stylist thought he was a girl when he first saw him! hahaha...poor Ethan...not your fault baby...its all mummy's and daddy's fault coz your curls were just too adorable to be cut ;p
he looks more manly now...LOL....goodlooking boy :)
I like the curls too tapi he looks even more adorable now. handsome boy! Nasib dia tidak bergaru with the hair. Without the cover, Elaine and Sharlaine just cannot sit still, bagus lagi si Ethan then
hhhahaa... oh.. how cute.. those locks are more suitable for girls :D
look how man he is now..haha!
sayang his ringlets...but like you said, ppl will mistaken him for a girl. he looked more grown up now.
although we missed his curls...but he looks more handsome oh with this new hair ;)
i like it. very handsomeht
My my my Ethan..Auntie Millie wish Zuleyka has those set of curls!!! Many thinks that she's a boy huu huu (I get "oh anak u semua boys ye" all the time).
But what a transformation after the chop chop. Very kacak!!
alaaa.. sayang the locks, but he looks good! :) Btw, good job parents, in distracting him so to allow the hairdresser to have his hair cut. Banyak toys ko bawa kaitu dlm beg? lol!
Thanks all :) Even wt his short hair he still get attention from stranger who thought I perm his hair!! hahaha...
and Celine...i think i brot ard 3 car toys and 1 brochure hehehe...
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