Tuesday, December 1, 2009

He ain't scared

A couple of weeks ago, our domestic helper caught a big grasshopper at MIL's. After removing (ouch!) two of it's biggest legs, she handed the grasshopper to Ethan to see his reaction. Apparently unlike his mommy, he didn't feel icky or scared with it. In fact, he touched, carried and even tried to "squash" (unintentionally of course) the poor fella while playing with it...


carolchs said...

thats a real boy...tida takut apa2 hehehe

Joan D'Arcy said...

Kids slalu ikut people around him. Kalau kita takut and showed the fear in front of kids, durang pun ikut...

My ds#1 ikut his kungkung. Kalau nampak any insects, trus injak *ouch*.. ganas!!! sigh!!