My hubby took pictures of our little prince on Merdeka Day while he was snoozing on my I was looking at his pics, I told my hubby he looks a bit like Homer Simpson especially now that my baby started to loose his baby hair and became a bit baldy...have a look and what say you??

See the lips...

Similar face expression...any resemblance? hee...
I hope my baby will still speak to me after seeing this one day...yikess..sorry peep ;p
adidiii... ada-ada jak.. Cutenya. Susa tu mau dpt candid yg lucu.. Siok..
baby Ethan is getting fairer tho'..homer still have jaundice :P
Jatt!!!! ada resemblance juga sikit especially the face expression!! so cute!!!
Jurra: Iya kadang2 tertangkap jua candid dia nie..
Ecila: true coz Homer's face is still yellow!! ;p
Patricia: LOL, thanks Wek!
Good words.
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