Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ethan's 1st Year Birthday Prayer

This was a prayer dedicated to Ethan especially from his "Aki" (grandpa in Kadazan language). It is such a lovely prayer which unintentionally missed out just before meal. Nonetheless, it was really sweet of my dad to actually prepare a special prayer for our special lil' boy, Ethan :) So I would like to preserve it here in my blog which goes...

O God, our Father in Heaven, Holy is Your Name. Today is a very special day for our family as we celebrate Ethan's 1st birthday, 1st born of Alvin and Joyce.

Thank You Dear Lord for bringing up Ethan safely through out the trying days up to now. Ethan is now one year old today. Guide and protect him safely from all the dangers of growing up as a child into maturity of manhood and grant that he may play well his part in this world as a role model. Let us all help him always so that he knows Jesus is his spiritual Mentor and Virgin Mother Mary as his spiritual Best Friend.

Bless both Alvin and Joyce for giving them this great privilege to raise Ethan. Help them to be true to their great responsibility and also to all those who are jointly associate to Ethan's upbringing with tender care and love.

Let us also always remember how Jesus says: "Whoever receive one such child in my Name receive me". We are happy to receive Jesus in this child, Ethan. We want to love and serve Jesus in this child, Ethan.

Thank you again our Father in Heaven, for giving us this privilege that we are able to celebrate Ethan's First Birthday. Please help us always to ensure that whatever we do and say are always good so that this little soul may copy our good deeds and that he may never be led astray in his life as he grows up.

All these we ask in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and Redeemer. Amen.

Such beautiful prayer prepared by my Dad. Thanks a lot Dad, we all love you very much and thanks for always being there when we need you!! :)

Ethan with his "Aki"


Yatie_T said...

Aunty J,
thanks for dropping by at my blog and happy 1st birthday to Ethan. He's so cute and please be careful he's going to be a heartbreaker. :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely prayer and what a good idea to preserve it here.

May all our good wishes for Ethan come true

Aunty J said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog too...and haha...hopefully he'll be a good gentleman when he grows up...haha...

It was indeed a lovely prayer :) and thanks for the well wishes for Ethan. See you soon! :)