Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Health tips

Osindak wants me to give a tip on health.

Copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.) Share one of your own health tips (tip on how to be more healthy) with others. Try to make your tip short but informative. Tag at least 2 person.

  1. Be happy - Everyday health and beauty
  2. Be contented with what God Bless us - chanelwong
  3. Be faithful - Ruth
  4. Laugh a lot - Chinnee
  5. Take time out for rest and relaxation - Kiasumum
  6. A real work out for sweating - Dora
  7. Exercise (walk, jog or swim) - Deana
  8. Eat at least 5 times (small meal) a day and not 3 times big meal. Jenn
  9. AVOID fizzy drinks! - osindak
  10. Think positively- Aunty J

I'm tagging:

1 comment:

JK said...

Hi Aunty J, we think alike. My tip is also "Think Positive".

Read about it at: