Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Age that I wish my Child Will Stay To Be

PapaJoneh tagged me on this but I must say, my special journey as a mom has just started since my precious Ethan is only 5 1/2 months old. Nontheless, I shall try my best here ;p

Like PapaJoneh, I would not like to have my baby stops at a certain age as I would like to see him growing and learning new things in life. It would be interesting to see how he grows and what kind of person will he grow up to be. Will he look more like me or my hubby? Will he be as patient as his daddy or will he be as bad tempered as his mom? ;p Will he be as tall as his dad? In short it would certainly be interesting and exciting to know what kind of man he will turn up to be later in his life :)

Nevertheless, for the 5 1/2 months since I had my sweetie pie, I would say I like him most in his current age. Not that I don't like him before (I've always love him since day one and will always love and adore him very much - the feeling keeps growing everyday!) , but previously he was too little to understand, be alert or be appreciative of the things around him. Today, my precious is more alert, more playful, more generous with his smiles, able to response to you with his ohhhs and ahhhhs and gurgles, likes to be cuddled and sang to when he wants to sleep (I love to hug and cuddle him to sleep!!), able to move his body towards me and sometimes excitedly when I'm about to carry him (shows how much he misses me...ahhhh...) and most of all I just SUPER DUPER LOVE it when he gives me his GORGEOUS SMILE first thing in the morning!! It's a happy feeling that I just can not describe with is what some people may described as the melting moment or joyous moment ...but for me its so much more than just gives me that fulfilled, satisfied, contented, warm and happy feeling deep inside my heart... certainly a great booster to start my day even during these gloomy & rainy days! ;p

My baby when he was 2 weeks ++ (Photo by Jewelle)
My baby now

Me and my baby taken this morning :)

So folks, now that I've shared mine, won't you please share with me your stories on the age that you wish your child will stay to be or if you prefer "the age that you like your child most since born" :)


JPP Papa said...

Yabah... really curious to see what our babies will be at later age.

for info, the moment I saw Ethan's face, I immediately see your hubby's face. Hahaha. Yep, he does look like him.. a lot. :)

Unknown said...

Doi gia Jatt!! So gimuk and kiut skali si Ethan skarang! Must visit you of these days to kubit him!!

Jewelle said...

So much difference from that time oh Joyce!

Aunty J said...

hahaha...anak bapa kan! ;p

Wek!! Ba apa lagi, datang la!! ;)

Ya ba! So much difference kan! :)

Sindut said...

Interesting tag... Hhmmm I haven't done my assignment yet but I will soon ok!