Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Little changes in life...

You know, a friend of mine YM me as I was about to step out for lunch. One topic that we "talked" about was regarding my precious Ethan in which I happily reminded him to follow my blog for my sweetie pie's developments :) But what caught my attention and made me ponder and think was when he said:

K: if i'm not mistaken...u were not into blogging ur life out to the world before...a baby can make a difference huh..

J: ya! hahahaha...

Yes, it is true that previously I would never thought of blogging my life to the world as I'm quite a private person ... but how can you not talk about your baby when you have a cutie pie like this in your life...

You will definately talk about him 24/7 with endless topics if you can!! See how a cute little baby can make a difference in your life hee...Oh...according to my friend, he will start his blog once his dear wife is expecting. I can't wait!! :)


JPP Papa said...

Yes, baby can indeed make a difference in our life. What more if its a twin babies. Changed everything. LOL.

So here to cherish that moment, I don't know you have done this or not, a simple nice tag for us parents: "The Age That I Wish My Child Will Stay To Be" :D

Deana E said...

i agree.so chubby ethan nie..apa ko kasih makan oh?

Aunty J said...

Ya ba, what more with your adorable twins!! Makes you wanna stay at home all the time to be with them isn't it!? hahaha...

Deana E:
Errrr...susu Similac ja...tapi semua org suka the way he drinks his milk. Kuat and macam kelaparan betul...haha...so his milk normally mimang abis one hehe..now he drinks abt 6 oz of milk :)