As blogged by
Chegu Carol, she came over to my place on Saturday to browse my kiddy's
clothing and to visit Ethan :) It was nice to finally meet Carol face to face and we had a good time getting
acquaintance with each other. Ethan of
coz was happy to meet Aunt Carol aka
Chegu Carol although he may be a little bit chubby for Carol ...well he
weigths 10kg (a big pack of rice!!) today so you'll
definitely will feel the strain after carrying him for a while
hehehe.. Anyway, thanks for dropping by
Chegu Carol and
muchas gracias for getting 2 dresses from me :) I'll let you know when new arrivals are here the mean here are some pics of you with my precious Ethan :)

Wahhh bestnya kamurang, got makan-makan lagi I heard?? :P
haha..iya sia masak masakan trajun ja ba...chicken stew ;p I heard you're coming back apalagi..drop by at my place and meet my precious Ethan :) Emelda oso wanna meet him when she comes back...dono when la hehe..
Ohh.. sounds like a plan! Maybe can have some some of gathering makan-makan (pot luck) - Mine would be kadai punya la coz I dunno how to masak. Hahahahah!
Err.. I meant to say some sort of gathering.
Heheh.. sorry typo. Hujan bah di luar. Sakit hati tengok kain sia basah.
Eiiii...masakan trajun you sedap also lah Aunty J. Very tender the chicken. Tinguk sia habis juga my rice eventho' sudah makan :)
Haha..i ody rcevd the pictures u emailed me but I saved it in my hubby's pc in KK then straight away deleted them from my inbox. Ndak dapat mo load up while i'm back here in Kgau. Thanks ya! Nasib u ndak post yg Ethan cry when I hold him, if not..i look like org yg ndak pandai entertain babies ni..hehe..
Yup, hope to meet u again next time ya. Cindy suggested pot luck? I like pot luck! Good idea! :D
wah..can be mama already luck for blogger ka, can join nie..hehe
Cindy/ Carol/ Deana:
Ba buli ba kita berkumpul buat pot luck..tapi Cindy...tiak asi if tapau fr shop..kau kana buat jua one dish ...if u dono how call ur mum again!! hahahaha...ndak ba main2 ja...but hey let's do it one of these days would be fun :) Deana kau bawa si Sona ah hehehe....
Chegu Carol:
hahaha sikit lagi sia mau kasi masuk his crying pic but then again nanti kau bising sia la its not becoz u tiak pandai entertain bb tapi more like si Ethan tu batabiat kadang haha...ohhh i can resend u the pics if you want...just let me know ya :)
wah syioknya pgi fellowship!
heavy boy u have there. 10 months already 10 kg.
but be careful not to be overweight also!
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