If you wonder why I put my title as evil eBay, its because I've been naughty and can't seem to refrain myself from getting some really cute baby stuff from eBay recently...so instead of blaming myself, am diverting the blame to eBay!! haha... Just today one of my favourite sellers just sent me another baby cloth set that's very tempting and hard for me to say no...I won't be showing you that set coz it's not up on eBay yet, but I can show you what stuff I've pre-ordered recently ;p

Simply irresistible huh ;p
I think I'll have to refrain myself from visiting eBay too often coz it is depleting moolah from my purse!! haha...Having said that, don't worry, I'm still under control. As long as I've covered my savings and other financial commitments, it's ok to pamper my lil' E or even myself once in a while. I know I won't want to end up having to opt for bad credit loans although such services are good for those who has bad credits history but wanting to get a loan ;p
Hi Aunty J, nice blog.. anyway like the stuff on the net but i prefer holding and touching before puchase..hehehe.. the kampung style
I've never actually bought anything from ebay but I am to one of these days ... LOL!
Tell me about it! Ebay is the devil! Haha.. Both Shemah and I are addicted to Ebay as well. Luckily I've managed to refrain myself from going there. Hehe.. But actually sebab no more money bah! LOL!
punya cute the bajus AJ!! eeehh geram sia nampak oh... I haven't bought anything in ebay tapi macam mo gatal2 sudah tu jari jemari.. LOL (p.s. pakai ja tu duit paypal bah kan.. hehe)
Ahaaa...good for you otherwise am sure you'll be addicted to eBay too!! hahaha...
You should try one of these days...but don't say I didn't warn you being addicted to it later on! ;p
Ratu Syura:
Oh yes, eBay the biggest devil of all besides the real devil la haha...ya ba can pokai oh kan!! :D
Ahaaa...itu la tu..tapi some Msian sellers may not want to accept paypal la unless u buy in bulk hehe...nah apa lagi...jangan tunggu lama-lama, nanti lama-lama, dia diambil orang hahaha...
Those are lovely.
Ebay can be devil ...
but the above akinogal is even devil. Dont click anything. its spyware. dont click to accept it!!
Ebay is evil, I tell you!!!! I can sit for hours just browsing for stuff and bid on items!!
But these days have to stop lah.. coz my money in PayPal makin nipis sudah. LOL!
Yes, they sure are lovely that they can put a hole on my purse! haha..
Thanks for the warning! I deleted the comment right after seeing yours! :)
Ahaaa..you can say that again being hooked on eBay for hours!
Paypal ac. makin nipis tapi Maybank ac makin tebal!! hahaha...
welcome to the club joyce..me also addicted.don't worry the moolah will pour again..
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