As some of you know especially those that I've personally asked about the benefits of Cloth Diapers (CDs), I've made my way to become another CD maniac hee...As I was telling Osindak, I've read about CD while I was still expecting Ethan...I even bought a cute one from Bumwear just for a trial...unfortunately that only CD piece that I have initially was kept deep inside Ethan's chest of drawers for months!! It was only recently that I dug it back when Ethan got his first fungal infection. Seeing him feeling uncomfortable especially not being able to sleep in peace at night has led me to think about switching from disposable diapers to CD. After reading through articles about disposable diapers vs CDs and the pros and cons of CDs again...yeah I read through it months ago but b4 embarking on it, I thought I read it once again coz the initial investment can be quite hefty though more economical in the long run..and of coz after consulting CDs mommies like hip-O-mama , Osindak and Deana, I finally decided to switch to CDs. So yeah, I've bought my CDs thanks to Sandra of MiaBambina. I visited her home to get some CDs, inserts and a wet bag last Saturday afternoon. Met her cute daughter Maya too...I'll post the pictures of Maya and Ethan once I've transfer ed the pics from my hp hehe...
Since the initial investment can be pretty high, I'll start Ethan on CDs only during the day. I will switch to CDs fulltime when I have enough CDs to go around (which I don't think will be long especially with so many cute designs out there!!) and of coz if there's no negative reaction from Ethan :)
Today is his first day with his CDs. I've yet to take a picture of him in his CDs coz I put him on disposable diaper when we brought him to the clinic for his 10th month check up this morning. Oh btw, just side track a bit, he is 9.8kg and 77cm now - for my record only :) So will ask MIL later this evening how was his reactions to his new CDs if any :) Ok, let me share my humble CDs collection for now ;p

If you wish to find out more about CDs, go to Deana's Children Journal and MiaBambina :)
ada lagi yg addict tu... si
ko delete comment yg atas skali tu...spam ja..
eh, drybees coral i also have. I think i am a fan of drybees..will buy the M size soon..i also love the wetbag.
Hello AuntyJ,
I didn't know CD has another meaning..hee.
The name AuntyJ does not sound right for to address you..Myy!!you're still young and pretty, and that little chubby must be your first born. Nice to know.
yayy!! another mommy hooked on CDs! LOL Ted's collection pun baru 3 AIOs, 2 training pants andd.... another one from KL ( and the drybees coral from sandra.. hehe so happy me!! hujung bulan beli lagi.. LOL
You are addicted too? Hmm... I only have Bumwear diapers.
zan, u also has the coral? hot colour la that..maybe we can go to sandra;s place together ujung bulan..i wanna see the fleece drybees..joyce wanna tag along?
Thanks for the warning re spam. I've deleted the comment ;p
Hehehe...lawa kan tu coral..hubby didnt want me to take tht color initially coz he said too girly for Ethan but I disagree and even Sandra said there are boys who use coral color too
Queen Bee:
Hehehe so now you know another meaning of CD eh hehe...
hahaha...I am an aunty in actual fact ba hahaha...and yes he is my first child precious hehe..thks :)
Hehehe...ya I am hooked!!
I'm thinking of adding another 1 or 2 more of Bumwear soon ;p
Ohhh...sia actually kira mau pigi this weekend coz SIL oso planning to get some for her son...can you make it this weekend? Or maybe we can arrange for end of the month instead...let me ask SIL first'll be fun to meet up :)
Makan CDs, minum Cds, tidur CDs, mimpi CDs! Welcome another CD addict mama! ;) CHEERS!
p/s I am also a fan of drybees!
hahaha. im hooked as well. theyre the cutest arent they? plus all our cute little models, aduuuui! love 'em! post some pix of ur little one in them. im goin to do that soon.
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