Were you caught in the horrible jam due to some guys trying to be funny by spreading stupid rumours about the closure of all petrol stations by 4pm yesterday? I was informed of the "hoax" news around 2pm and although I was a bit skeptical about it initially but the "just in case" side of me got the better of me...so zoomed I went with a couple of colleagues to the nearby Shell station near Thsung Tsin High School. Thankfully the que has just started so it didn't take long for me to get my car's tank filled up. But oh man...the jam was really bad when I went back to MIL's home after work. How bad? Well, it took me an hour to reach my MIL's which was supposed to be about 30mins during high peak and about 20mins or less during low peak. But I think I shouldn't complain too much as I'm sure some people took a lot longer to reach their destinations...I'm pretty sure of this as when I was heading back to MIL's, at one of the traffic lights, the cars stopped and stayed idle due to the long que leading the petrol station, then the driver in front of me came out from his car and did some legs stretching...I bet he must have been driving and got stucked in the jam for much much longer time then me...poor guy hehe...
Anyway, I think people are getting a bit paranoid as petrol can be considered a necessity to most people and an increase in price and worst the thought of all the petrol stations being closed is one news that could really make people panic. I used to be able to fill up my tank below RM40 (that was in 1997 though hehe...) but with the price hike recently I'll have to pay almost RM80 for a full tank! Geez... I hope the government is going to do something about all these price hikes soon... and if they intend to again increase the price of petrol, do please have the decency to at least improve the public transport services. By doing so at least we have an option.. After all, we still do pay our income tax even with the price hikes and with no salary adjustment...what has become of our country lately? I certainly have a lot to say but I think I shall keep that to myself for now...sigh...
kami pun caught up in the jam oh...
I hope that doesn't happen here though. It would cause chaos on the roads ...
well.. Nick, apparently it only happened to Sabah. read it from here: news
Hi Aunty J,
thanks for dropping by my blog and sorry for taking me awhile before I could drop some comment on your blog.
The same thing happened here in Florida too. It all started right after the hurricane 2 years ago. The worst part is, some gas stations only accept cash. Imagine at that time, we have no gas, no electricity and not much food either. Lesson learn, be prepared for hurricane seasons. :)
p/s: love Ethan chubby cheeks, Happy belated 1st birthday to Ethan.
i was at home and coudn't be bothered with all that..but i hope it won't happen again.our govt is getting worse..
Hope it didn't take you too long to reach home..
I can imagine the chaotic in KL... don't think anyone would want to be caught in it...
Most petrol stations are not accepting credit card all due to high transaction charges...sigh..
Lucky you...
I was at the 1Borneo for lunch that day and suddently my hubby called and ask me whether I've fill the car's tank full. I filled it up alright that morning for Rm100 and that just half tank full. So on my way back to the office the road from the petrol station near the Sabah Foundation up to Masjid Likas were congested. I didn't bother to que. Then my hubby called back saying its just a hoax! Sheesh! Waited in the office till all the road is cleared then we go back. The worse part is when my husband's friend son was trapped in the que in an ambulance and no one bother to move aside! Almost died!
OMG!! How could these people be so selfish!!!! OMG OMG...it makes me boiling mad to hear abt your the boy...see how money can make people become so evil and selfish!!! Whoever that person who started the stupid rumours should be punished!!! Thank God the boy is alright...may God Bless him...
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