Friday, August 22, 2008

What's left of Servay :(

Remember I mentioned about the Hypermarket Servay caught on fire yesterday which was in fact burnt to the are some photos courtesy of my friend Richard L. for the sharing (pics were taken using Sony Ericson mobile phone). Apparently I was told by a witness that though the firemen came in less than 5 mins but they had to wait for about 10 mins for water supply...I do hope that is not true coz 10 mins would have made a lot of difference in fighting with the super fierce fire isn't it!!?? Anyway, there goes one of my favourite places to shop for some baby stuff :(


Anonymous said...

That is indeed sad.

Bonnie said...

yA! of my fav place for groceries shopping..

Nessa said...

Alala... Servay burnt to the ground!! Balik nanti, shopping di Chua Kah Seng seja la macam ni.

Kesian all the employees...