First of all let me introduce you to the two beautiful princesses of Sandra and Nico i.e. Indy who turned 4...oppss the mommy just corrected me Indy turned 6 ... sorry Sandra and Indy hehehe...

..and the lovely Maya who just turned 2...

..and while they were busy entertaining their guests...I was busy catching up and getting acquaintance with the others...here's Deana with Lil' Sona..

..then there were Suzan who was holding Sona, Deana again with my precious Ethan hee...and the other queen of cake making, Faye who together with Deana baked and designed the gorgeous birthday cake for Indy & Maya...

Joyce S. and cutie pie Gaga was there too...

..so was Miranda and her ever so adventurous Avi who without any warning decided to jump into the baby pool just outside the venue upon arriving... which I guess that incident must have almost caused any mommy a heart attack ;p

Here's Joyce S. with Gaga in his absolutely adorable sling together with Celine with Baby C...errrmmmm not sure who's hand was that trying to touch Baby C...was that your hand Ethan??? ...hmmm...

...and as we were getting engrossed with the food and chatting...the gorgeous Barbie birthday cake was pushed by the waiter....isn't the cake a work of art!! Kudos to Deana & Faye!

here's the family of 4 during the cake cutting moment :)

soon after that it was Pinata time!! So the kids excitedly gathered around the Pinata hoping to grab as many candy as possible and put them in the awesome boxes provided by the host...a top secret box for the boys and a princess box for the girls..

...faster faster...grab as many as you can!!!

..besides the candy grabbing, the little ones enjoyed doing the coloring ..too bad Ethan is too small to enjoy this hehe..next time ya sweet heart ;p

Ethan curiously playing with his Spiderman water bottle as the take away gift from the host...this was not the only one...each kiddo was given a cute cupcake as take away too :)

Ethan showing brotherly love to Gaga :)

and before we adjourned we took some group photos again hehe...

So did we enjoyed the party?? Definitely yes! Happy birthday Indy and Maya!! May all your dreams come through...and yes please do tell your mommy to get that Barbie Doll playhouse and tones of Barbie dresses!! hahaha...
wah you managed to get lots of pix AJ! nice, nice! nanti sia copy kio :-D
wah..wah!!! look like you all mamas are having a fun moment there..! suma baby pun kiut-kiut..
WAH so nice you narrate the story like that!
ya baby Ethan still too young...next time...join the "bising toddlers club "soon.. hehehehe
Indy turns 6 actually but she is small for her age LOL you know Nicole? the other girls she just turned 4 and they are inthe same height! hhaha
wowwweee...so many pix of us, Si Ethan macam kiss si Gaga pula kan!!! so cute..!! email me the pix pweeease...pretty please..
so syokk meeting you ladies + babies... Btw, the tangan that touched baby C's head was his notorious brother.. Lil C.. hehehe
i don't have any more stories to tell...hehe so tumpang baca ja la..i'll copy the cake pic la hehre..
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