Thursday, October 9, 2008

When to expect babies' teeth

Please click on the image to read the info clearly

Source: Heinz Teething Rusks (scanned)


Deana E said...

thanks for the sona will soon have her tooth or teeth nie..

pu said...

alamak....elil is so behind in the gigi department. hehehe....shes 16 months n only got 3.5 incisors! she only started getting gigi after her 1st birthday. was getting a little worried she might not have gigi! sian my little angel.

Aunty J said...

Hehehe ya Deana jaga la u dia gigit time feeding hehehe...

Don't worry coz the doctor always say each bb have different milestones...besides the old people said better lagi lambat tumbuh coz then lambat jatuh the gigi susu hehe...