My best mum experience was a few hours after giving birth to my precious Ethan. It was just after I've woken up from the anaesthetic effect due to a last minute emergency c-section ;p Ethan was actually asleep when the nurse first brought him to me but he opened one of his eyes when I called out his name... as if he knew his name even at about 3 hours old ;p I just can't describe the feeling that I had at that moment when he opened his eyes and looked at me...I just melt and was just so extremely happy to see my then tiny lil' baby (he was 2.8kg) and straight away gave him a loving kiss...I will never forget that moment as it gives me a warm happy feeling even writing about it now. Ethan is our precious little treasure ...always is and always will and we love him unconditionally with all our hearts :)

1. Show the award logo in your post.
2. Pick a picture you have with your kiddo(s).
3. Post should include your best experience as a Mom.
4. Nominate other blogger mom's out there that you consider the best mom, like yourself.
I shall now pass on the meaningful awards to two other supermoms i.e.both my SILs Lisa and Jasica :)
Mommy and son...cuteeeeee....
super mom ba you!!
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