Hubby's 2nd bro, Bryan and his beautiful family :)
And are some of the things I bought for Ethan...there are some other items I bought for him but I'm too lazy to take pictures besides some of them are on the clothes line or kept in his drawers already hehe...
As for me, I bought a few pairs of shoes, some tops/blouses, belts and accessories..sorry as I am too lazy to snap pictures of them hehe...all cheap stuff nothing grand anyway heee...hubby bought quite a few polo shirts which were marked down by 70% , a couple of belts and shoes. Hubby even bought a nice wall frame for my wall feature project hehe...However, in spite of all the items we've bought, much to my surprise our luggage didn't go overweight. Probably I've packed all the used clothes/towels and toileteries into our handcarry bag otherwise we would have to pay quite a bit :)
Wah so nice.. bershopping-sakan bah.. :)
Wow, take flight and shopping "abroad"! How nice ya!
So syok! I know that chicken rice shop, haha. You must try their Thai style tofu and kerabu mangga, punya sedap.
You know what I noticed? Ethan and Adam bear the same resemblance, you can totally tell they're cousins!
Hehehe ya siok tapi poket pun berlubang jua hahahaha
Hehehe kunun la...
Ya! Sadap oh!! Me likey hehehe...oh really ok will keep tht in mind the next time we go there again thanks for the info ;p
Hahaha ya I know..thy do have some resemblance right hehehe...
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