The effect on MIL is pretty obvious as I can see her face more fresh and lively. She has more energy as she didn't feel tired even after 3 rounds of non-stop brisk walking at the sport complex yesterday. And she has no more sleeping problem and her arthritis has improved tremendously. My mum who is super sceptical when it comes to this kinda thing is actually taking it religiously everyday and she finds that she has more energy too. My dad is taking it because I wanted him to get well faster especially after the operation (of cause to help him with his hypertension etc too) as this health drink promotes fast healing too. Hence, I am introducing eXfuze to you mainly due to its health benefits and I believe you will definitely benefit from it.
FYI, this product is not even launched in Malaysia but it is selling like hot cakes already. So that I supposed proves how good and well received it is.
If you're wondering what are the benefits it can bring, read about it from the image below:

Here's the unofficial eXfuze website in Sabah. You can read more about the products and the benefits of each different super fruits i.e. Gac, Acai, Goji, Noni, Fucoidan, Mangosteen and Seabuckthorn – along with Pomegranate, Wild Blueberries, Aloe Vera and Concord Grapes from this site (just click the images on the left side bar).
Should you want to purchase this health product and feel more comfortable asking from me, feel free to contact me as me and hubby are both members for our own consumption :) And if you're interested but you're not from Sabah and you're not sure who to contact in West Malaysia, I believe we can provide you the contacts from our network :) So folks, take charge of your life by looking after your health! ;p
1 comment:
Knowing the goodness of this nutritious juice, we give 0.5oz each to Crystal & Pearl every morning. They love it. It is the best supplement for the whole family.
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