I didn't spend much preparation time for Ethan's birthday as we have already planned to have it at one of the halal Chinese restaurants in KK. Hence not much preparations were required. Nevertheless, two weeks to Ethan's birthday, both hubby and myself discussed about the venue for the party. We short listed the venue to 3 i.e. Dowish Seafood Restaurant, Golf View Restaurant (near Tong Hing) and Masakan Sedap Restaurant. After looking at their menu, price and venue we eventually picked Masakan Sedap Restaurant as we feel the price and food is reasonable. On top of that it has strategic location being quite in the centre for most of our invitees and parking is not a problem. Besides I heard the service is good too and after seeing the function room and talking to the lady boss we made our mind up ;p
Next I thought about the theme... Well, I didn't intend to impose the theme on the invitees but rather more for the cake :) And since Ethan is so into Mickey Mouse, I've decided to ask Deana (she baked Ethan's 1st birthday cake too..)to bake and decorate him a Mickey Mouse cake :) I did a search on the net just to get some Mickey Mouse birthday cake ideas which I stumbled and decided to go for this design and asked Deana if she could do a replica for me which she said yes :) Next, I was contemplating whether to prepare goodie bags for the kids or simply give away cupcakes. In the end I've decided to go for a Mickey Mouse cuppies and ordered them from Deana too. It's much simpler and easier for lazy ol' me as I won't need to hunt for the goodies and bags and no packing is needed too ;p And as usual it is a common practice or a tradition to have red birthday eggs during birthday celebrations. I however dislike the thought of using colorings thus I've decided to use decorated aluminium foil to wrap the eggs after stumbling upon this Mickey/Minnie Mouse aluminium foils from this online shop while looking at some cookies mould/cutters. And finally as I wanted to distinguish the birthday boy and the main table from the rest, I've asked my friend Jurra to put embroidery wordings on his plain top and decided to tie a helium Mickey Mouse aluminium balloon on our main table ;p So what do you think of the outcomes? Am I allowed to say its simple but not too bad? ;p
Look at the absolutely cutely decorated cake and cupcakes...I was delighted indeed! ;p
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Oh talking about the cake, lil' princess of Sandra i.e. Maya, didn't want to budge at all from her seat coz Sandra said she is afraid the cake and the limited purple Minnie Mouse cupcakes will dissapear!! So kudos to you Deana for a job well done!! And oh did I mentioned that the kids were so eager and rushed to the front when I invited them!!?? hahaha...They must have loved and really impressed with your cake and cuppies Deana...not only the kids but the parents too :)
The birthday eggs :)The back says, "Ethan's is 2 today!"
And the front says, "Birthday Boy!!"
His helium Mickey Mouse baloon was a hit too...the other children were playing with it till it got untied and stucked on the ceiling. Luckily one of the waiters was kind enough to help bring it down and tied it back on the chair ;p
wah joyce banyak juga u mentioned deana nie..satu cukup sudah ba. it's a pleasure bake and decorate ethan's cake again.nice theme..sona is also into mickeya and winnie the pooh..
Ya kan banyak kali jua I mentioned ur name nie...ihhh mau minta sogit nie coz cam adverts ja hahahaha...ya til next time again ;p
Ayooo.... tak perasan oh... tik tok tik tok..sudah 2 years..
Happy bday!!
My boy will be 3 next mth..^_^
the cake is just too lovely! i wldnt wanna cut and eat it..hehe
happy birthday ethan...
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