Monday, September 24, 2007

Our worriness is cured

A week ago, we brought Ethan to the paed for a check up and found out that he has sensitive airways. The doctor gave him his medicine and asked us to give it to him for about 3 to 5 days. But if the mucus still present we were to bring him back to the clinic. Five days gone and we could still hear the mucus in his throat though not worsening. So off we went to see the paed again on Saturday and the doctor gave him different types of medicines i.e. to help him clear his airways and to help clear the mucus. Anyway, I started his medicine that evening. And on Sunday when I was about to bath Ethan in the morning, I noticed that his left leg shuddered for a few seconds which I first thought was shiver due to feeling cold as he was only wrapped in towel then. But it happened again a few times after that although only once or twice. But I started to worry when my hubby brought him to our upstair neighbour and he told me that Ethan shuddered again when our neighbour tried to hold him in a standing position. After that we started to observe him quite closely and noticed that he shuddered a few more times and sometimes with closer gaps. Tried to call the paed but of coz it was already closed (it closes earlier on a Sunday). Hubby suspected it could be the medicine that he was taking. Anyway,we brought Ethan to the paed again this morning, and hubby was right. Upon checking Ethan and asking us questions, the doctor told us that the shuddering was due to the medicine that he was taking (the syrup type that supposed to help clear his airway). The medicine is not suitable for Ethan as it made him a bit excited, thus the shudderings. So doctor asked us to stopped that particular medicine and just continue with the other one first. So phew...relieved indeed we were after least now we know why...
So parents, if your baby's leg suddenly shudders (no fever, eats well and still active), and he/she is on medication, check with the paed coz the medicine could be the reason why...However, the paed also mentioned that if baby is not on medication but shudders it could be due to immature nerve system...tht's just for your info :)
And oh just for the sharing, if your baby has sensitive air ways like our precious, his paed said NO to:
  • aircon
  • mosquito coils including the electric types
  • carpet
  • smoking in the house
On a different note, being the paparazzi that I am, I took the liberty in taking pictures of my precious just before we left for the clinic :)

Look, same sleeping posture! ;p


Jules said...

Ah that's something new. Its good to know which medication that they cannot take and note them down somewhere so that they wont be given the same one again.

JPP Papa said...

I do not understand the shudder thing. My English is poor :)

I know my twins easily "terkejut" and end up crying like someone just hit them or bitten my mosquito. We have to calm them and then ok. Whatever we do, need to be in slow motion so not to frighten them.

So far, twins not taking any medication. Thank GOD for that. The first checkup is due on October. The doctor said, this time in two months time. Unlike 3 yrs old Josh time. every month checkup.

Aunty J said...

You're right abt joting down notes, thanks for the tip! :)

Shudder is like "bergagar"...

Some people said if your baby "kuat terkejut", try to put towel on his upper body while sleeping on his back...tht might prevent your twins from getting "terkejut" all the time...or like my mum told me before, you can swaddle your twins if its not too hot too coz when they are swaddled their arms won't "terbuang" on the air when they "terkejut" thus less disturbance for them...some even let their babies to sleep on their chest (tiarap) but you have to be near and keep an eye on them though...

Jewelle said...

Oh poor Ethan - lucky you guys never used to sleep in the aircon room also kan? Have to read more on this sensitive airway, coz I don't know about it too.

Aunty J said...

Ya ba kesian si Ethan...Alvin being the playful sort that he is, said that "Ethan pandai menari style Michael Jackson when he shook his leg"...hmmm...BTW, the paed did say that the side effect of the medicine is nothing to worry about as it brings no harm...the only problem is that it can be irritating and frightful for the bet!