Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Another tag again..??!!

Thanks to Static Alibis, for inviting the workaholic genies to visit my blog. Yes, this poor soul has been tagged again...and this time to jot down my wish...take note: a SINGULAR "wish" !! So I can't be greedy even though I want to be...Anyway,

here goes...

***Start Copying Here***Rules:

1. Write a short paragraph about your visit by the two Genies and include a link to the blog that passed on the Genie Symbol to you.
2. COPY the Rules and ENTIRE List below and post it on your blog.
3. List down your wish.
4. Place your name below the last name on the list and pass on the Genie Symbol to at least 5 other bloggers.
5. Please put up either one (or both) of the Symbols of the Genies on your blog to show that the Genies have visited your blog:

  • Genie King
  • Genie Princess

The Genie King has invited his beautiful Genie Princess to fly with him for some visitings. So far, they have visited:

  • Mariuca would like to wish for happiness and success.
  • Adrian would like to wish for good health and happiness.
  • Emila would like to wish for happiness and success.
  • Trinity would like to wish good health for Jan’s brother andYah and Wan and success.
  • MPG would like to wish for love and peace.
  • Jean would like to wish for stress free work environment and happiness.
  • Cbenc12 would like to wish for health, happiness and luck for my family and friends and me too!
  • Paris Beaverbanks would like to wish for more publicity! Hooyah! (taps swollen head)
  • Giddy Tiger would like to wish for longer weekends and never-ending holidays!
  • Shooi would like to wish for peace on earth, love, good health and happiness.
  • Chinnee would like to wish for happiness and good health forever!
  • Hui Sia would like to wish for love, health, wealth and happiness.
  • Chew Lee would like to wish hubby for a successful business venture in Singapore.
  • Anggie would like to wish for dream and wish come true.
  • Slavemom would like to wish for happiness and good health for her loved ones (and of coz for herself too!)
  • Wen would like to wish for happiness and health for herself and her family.
  • Bryan's Mama would like to wish for health, love & happiness for everyone
  • Sharine would like to wish for safer world to live in, going green to save the earth and health for
  • everyonebZbee would like to wish for less corruption, less handing out IC in Sabah and a a chance all citizen to be treated equally no matter what their races or beliefs are...ams would like to wish for ........ good health and world peace...and for M.A.C to come to kk as long as am still around this side of town. (censored censored...........................censored)
  • misslamau would like to wish for...shootsac to be available in KK (but then again if everybody has it, it would be no fun anymore). So...rephrase > to own a shootsac...damn those prints
  • alice would like to wish for ...shootsac to fall from the sky for misslamau, superb wealth and health for friends and fams, specifically for my dad, damn hoping he wins the lottery.harharhar
  • Aunty J thanked Static Alibis and wished for the first prize in the Sabah Lotto Jackpot prize which has reached RM5mil ++ today so Aunty J can do so many many other things with the money!! :)

Welcome aboard the Magical Flying Carpet for the Ride of your Life!


Look at my wish and see how one wish can lead to many other wishes ;p But wait, I don't normally buy 4D, so how??!!

Instead of tagging 5 victims, I shall be a darling like Static Alibis and go for one only. So next victim is


(Mae, that's the price for laughing at my Most Embarassing Moment hahaha...should have tagged you on that coz I'm sure we can get very interesting sharing from you hehe..)

Ok, another tag down!! BUT people, please, please ,have mercy on this poor old soul... do not "tag" me least in the next few days (best - never again hehe..) coz although it helps to stimulate my very old brain, it can be pretty taxing for lil' ol' me!! Lame excuse..?? Well, at least I tried...haha..


Since Kampung Girl is unable to take this so called golden and once in a life time opportunity (for the reason that she has mentioned...nasib kau pregnant hehe..otherwise, I'll say no way jose!) I now tag Hannie! And no, you can't give me any excuse ok! ;p


Kampung Girl said...

hehehee kena aku sebijik! alahhh per my entries, i'm losing the plots thus my mind is not workinglah...please excuse me on this one. Nanti i beranak hopefully i get my sanity back on track! haha Lagipun, i haven't been feeling a 100% today. it's 9pm now and i'm off to bed hoping i'll be able to sleep tonight. If that's ever gonna happen! sowiiii...

Aunty J said...

Sheeshh...nie satu nie, pakai alasan pregnant to avoid doing your homework eh...hehehe..ok la, since you used that as an excuse I let you go la (next time no more excuses ok! hehe..) In that case, I shall tag "HANNIE"!! :)

Dee said...

Hi Joyce,

Don't know if you remember me but I'm Devyne (your junior in convent) ;P I just found out you blog! =O to my astonishment. Hehe. Just thought I'd say hello. Hello!

Your anak so cute!

Aunty J said...

Hello Devyne! Yes of coz I remember you ba :) You still with Shell ka? How are you?

Dee said...

Ah Shell? I was never with Shell (I wish!) I'm currently with a training centre up in Jalan Sepanggar, away from the rest of the world ;P

Yourself? Are you a homemaker or working?

Aunty J said...

Ohhh....I tot you're with Shell hehehe..sorry ya ;p So you're a lecturer in a poly ka?

Am a working mum :)