Previously, I called my precious prince, my tiny pupa. This time I shall call him my little "butot". If you're a non-Sabahan and wondering what it is? Its the sago worm that lives in sago trunks. If you're still clueless, you can read about it at Wikipedia (the life saviour when it comes to definitions and explainations on things!!). However, IF you're still curious on how it looks like, click here. But I must warn you that its not a pretty sight to look at so up close :)
So why do I call my precious my little "butot"? Cos he is just like the cream chubby worm that wriggles (moves) a lot!!
Look at his pictures taken on Monday morning and you'll understand why ;p I've just started unzipping his mosquito net when he woke up ...
feeling unsatisfied, he strecthed some more and put his legs up highhhhh...
then happily plonked his feet on the bed with a stump
after which he continued to move and wriggle around till one of his legs was out again
when he is done and satisfied, he looked at his mommy (with the digi cam again!!) with that "ok am done, you can carry me and gimme my milk now" look! ;p
However, a few seconds just before I carried him up, he gave me the cutest smile that really made my day! It was such a melting moment :)
Ya, I can see that he is a little butot!
Hahaha......just like my daughter lah, I always say to her, u are just like a worm....
Anyway I love to eat those butot....though my mum always frown at me, hahahhaa....bukan senang mau dapat karang, mahal lagi tu....
i call it butod. the sound of "D" at the end really makes it more ooompph. Like Ethan.. so chubby and cheerful. the smile really a kodak smile. I would have panic if no camera beside me :D
alamak kiut ohhhhh...
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