Just because I can't decide which handphone pouch to get for my new handphone, I ended up poorer by RM25.90 for buying two handphone pouches!! But you know what, I have no regret about it as I now have a...

Funky day handphone pouch and ...

An elegant evening handphone pouch...
What lame excuse to console myself eh...hehehe... But I do love them both and really can't decide which one to choose... look at the pictures above...can you blame me?? ;p
I love both and you know why I like best - if you get tired of it, you know who wouldn't mind having it ;-)
Aiyah, what you so stressed about, extra RM26 only, cheh!
I can understand why you bought both! I think I would too.. Hehe.. But the guilt of buying both can be pretty strong for some people too.. Unlike Jewelle, not everyone can say, "Cheh!" to an extra RM26. That could be 2 days of food for some people.
i have bought at least 3 or 4 and lost all..hehehe, i am not good at keeping pouch, sure hilang one..but this is too pretty to resist la..quite cheap what..i bought a leather in us for usd10 (sale sale) and lost it too sob sob..
joyce joyce joyce...what can i say except...
buy buy buy!
takut sia mo shopping sama ko cos cepat kena jangkit nih...hahaha!
Haha...ok see la if I wanna be good to you ;p
It's more of a guilty feeling coz I oredi have two b4 buying these two gorgeous ones hehe..
Ratu Syura:
Ya ba not everyone as rich ba kan ... Jewelle's is enjoying B$ ma hee...
Guilt feeling of owning 4 pouches ba hehe...
Eh wer got oh ;p
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