I actually saw this Free Mammograms Fund Raising effort for women in need from
Nick's blog. I thought it would be worth while to spread great efforts such as this in order to gather more funds for the needy women. So folks, I hope you'll join in by putting in a bit of effort to post this fund raising program in your blog to increase more daily click! But if you wish not to post about it, at least show your supports by clicking as many time as you want and daily if you can on the button below. Let's give hope to those in need...

Thanks for putting this up. I've clicked on that button for so many times today I lost count. I hope that would help a little ...
Thanks for posting this-what an important message!
I wanted to let you know there is an affiliated site that is also helping to fund mammograms.
The idea is to use our regular household buying power (we all spend money at the grocery store anyway!) and have a donation go to the Breast Cancer Site.
Would you consider making a post for the site? If you like I can also send you a button for the link.
I have visited your blog and found a lot of interesting and useful information for me. I'm searching for advertising. Can you write a post with the link to my site and put it in your site? How much does it cost? Waiting for your soon reply. Thanks.
No prob ba :)
I've emailed to you and hope to hear a reply from you :)
Sure, I would be glad to especially for paid posts :) Please give me your email add :)
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