Thursday, October 16, 2008

Jalan-jalan di Hari Raya

I've been postponing this post for quite a while now so I thought I better put it up before I forget about it and the story becomes dinasour ;p Anyway, Hari Raya open house visitation was rather limited (managed to visit 4 houses only) this year due to hubby being away because of work commitments. Nonetheless, Ethan and I had a great time with some of my old friends (Party of 5!) and relatives :) I must say I love all festive seasons but I would probably say Hari Raya is one of my favourites because I'm able to gobble some really delicious Malay food such as the rendang, serunding and lemang as well as the ever so yummy Kuih Makmur...simply fingers licking good!

House 1 - Aunty Anda's

House 2 - Party of 5!

House 3 - Izah's (SIL) House @ Kinarut

Houe 4 - Aunty K's house

1 comment:

CJane said...

Wow, berabis kamurang ah berhari raya. Jealousnya me!! >.<