Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ethan is getting better :)

To those who have read my previous entry and have asked about Ethan, thank you for your concerns :) FYI, Ethan is getting better ...He still has slight fever this morning but at least his hands and feet didn't turn cold last night..and thanks to my SIL for introducing me the infant panadol for rectal use! If only I knew abt this earlier on then I don't need to make Ethan and us so stressful when giving him the panadol syrup..hehehe..

Ohhh latest update, just spoked to my MIL and she said that Ethan is not feverish anymore.... Yay yay!! So happy to hear that :) Hope he'll stay that way and hope that the fever won't come back in the evening...keep my fingers crossed...I must say though he hasn't been well but he still is quite active :)

Anyway, here are some photos of my sweetie pie taken last week :)

Thank you Mr. Postman!

I've got this in the mail yesterday. Yay!! One of my CD purchases from eBay has finally arrived I happy? Oh yes, definately coz it is sooooo cute...just look at the CD below... it was made by a WAHM in Canada and I must say the workmanship is superb indeed. It is well sewn with of coz very cute prints on it!! :D I've just put it on the line last night for drying and hope it will be fully dried by tomorrow morning so I can try it on Ethan heee....

I just love the zoo print on this one size AIO CD ;p

Inner part of the CD - very soft :)

Side view with the snaps on the side so no pulling by Ethan ;p

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My precious not well..

My precious Ethan hasn't been well since yesterday. He has fever and it was pretty high when we brought him to his paed yesterday evening. His hands and feet were cold which the doctor said it's an indication of high fever. True enough as his temperature reading was 39.1 Celsius. In order to control his temperature, the paed inserted the fever medicine in the bottom. His paed recommends to use such type of fever medicine if the fever is above 38.5 Celsius. Ethan is on antibiotic too coz his fever is high and that his throat is already a bit reddish. I feel tense whenever I have to give him medicines as its very difficult to give him medicine nowadays. He used to take it with water when he was smaller but now he doesn't want it anymore. Only for a few sips and that's about it. I did tried giving him his medicine using the syringe but he vomited it out twice and I just don't have the heart to see him vomiting and crying again. So I didn't try again..just keep on checking his temperature every hour last night. I inserted another one in the bottom at 4am coz his hands and feet were cold again. Hope his fever will go away soon. The paed did mentioned that he will have fever for at least 2 days hopefully after today he will be alright.... MIL just called and told me that Ethan temp is 38.6 Celsius ...oh dear...hopefully after giving him panadol and sponging he'll be poor little baby...hope you'll get well soon sweet heart... how I wish there is an easier way to give medicines to children... or at least make the medicine taste better for them...sigh...

An evening with Tweety Mutley

We were just going to send Tweety Mutley's helper home and visit Tweety Mutley for a short while last Saturday evening. But we ended up having a very nice Indian dinner courtesy of Tweety Mutley :) Both hubby and myself love the chicken cutlets not forgetting the Dosai, chapati with the simply delicious sambal curry and dal curry. The carrot dish tasted lovely too all thanks to the super chief! ;p

Monday, April 28, 2008

Chegu Carol Meets Ethan

As blogged by Chegu Carol, she came over to my place on Saturday to browse my kiddy's clothing and to visit Ethan :) It was nice to finally meet Carol face to face and we had a good time getting acquaintance with each other. Ethan of coz was happy to meet Aunt Carol aka Chegu Carol although he may be a little bit chubby for Carol ...well he weigths 10kg (a big pack of rice!!) today so you'll definitely will feel the strain after carrying him for a while hehehe.. Anyway, thanks for dropping by Chegu Carol and muchas gracias for getting 2 dresses from me :) I'll let you know when new arrivals are here the mean here are some pics of you with my precious Ethan :)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Another super model in the making ;p

Just look at the posing by Anniesen, aren't she a cutie! Seems like she even has her own private little sofa to pose around! ;p Anniesen mom bought a few dresses and sets for her recently and here's Anniesen in two of her new dresses from LilPeopleBoutique :)

B&G polka dot cotton spagetti dress

Cute lil' Anniesen in the Ocean Kid Sailor dress set :)

New bloggers in town

Hello everyone, this is a short entry just to introduce to you two new bloggers whom I know personally. They are Mel a full time working mom who blogs about her two darling angels and life in general and Uncle C with his Property.Net which features properties that are on auction or to be auctioned. Thus new additions to Sabahan bloggers list :) Oh, if you're into property investment hop on to Uncle C's blog coz you'll find various types of properties from around Sabah with good reasonable offers! He just did a session yesterday but too bad we had to miss it :( Oh well, next time for sure :)

Anyway, let's welcome Mel and Uncle C (who by the way is the other half of Aunt Agnes C ;p) to the blogoshpere!! :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Visiting neighbour

We had a visit by one of our neighbours as she wanted to look through my stocks for my online kiddy boutique. And while my new found friend was busy looking at the stock, this Mommy took a couple of pictures of the adorabe lil' visitor who tagged along last nite :)
Cute lil' Anniesen

Anniesen & Ethan

1 + 1 = 2 Mayas

The other day I showcased Aishah as my model for the dresses from LilPeopleBoutique. Today I shall showcase to you the two Mayas parading in their attires from my online boutique :)

Jura's Maya

Sandra's Maya

They are SICK and I HATE them!!!

You know what, I feel soooooo angry to my bone when I saw the pictures of the two sickos in the paper this morning!! I'm sure you know who am I talking about..yes, they are the two b@#*ards who have ruined the life of a student in KK recently...I soooo sooo sooo despise them...I think they should rot in jail!!...I feel for the heart bleeds for hard as it is,I hope and pray that she will be able to cope and be able to over come the trauma soon...let's embrace her in our heart, prayer and hope that she will get all the support and love from everyone around her...May God bless her...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Boys will be boys

Translation from English to Kadazan by someone who is very close to my heart:
Pussy Cat = nono' tingau
Silly joke but funny nontheless!! hahaha...

Mr. Rock

I went to Damai area with Tweety Mutley and StoryMory2share for a lunchie on Monday. After we have fed our hungry stomachs, we headed on to the nearby pet shop to visit Mr. Rock for the second time. This time I managed to take a few pictures of him just for the sharing especially for those who love cats :)

The handsome Rock who has won numerous Cat Competitions

Lazying around

Seems like he knows he is handsome and that we are admiring him ;p

Showing off!! ;p

Photo of the day

Ethan just got up from his afternoon nap
Picture taken by Strictpollyanna

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Brought to you by LilPeopleBoutique

Hellowww everyone, I just want to show off to you my pretty little model i.e. Aishah with two of my dresses from my LilPeopleBoutique :) Aren't she gorgeous in those dresses especially with the headband on!!! Her mom bought these two dresses and a Levi's top from me. Thanks a lot for your support Neth! You little girl is a confirmed future heart breaker!! Errrmmm you think she minds younger guys??? Ethan is only about 2 yrs younger hehehe....
Aishah in the polka dot dress and the Ocean Kids sailor dress set

Bumwear in KK

If you're serious about Bumwear, The Baby Loft has just revised its Bumwear price to RM56.90 each. I've bought Ethan the white Dino that I've been eyeing for a while now ;p

Just a quick post to let you know especially if you're a fan of Bumwear CDs or intend to try out this brand, it is being sold at Happy Mums, the maternity boutique next to Dr. Felice Huang Klinik at KK Speaclist Centre. Selling RM63 per piece. Its a one size CD :) I happen to know about it as I was there to get the ring baby sling last Saturday and thought I should share the info with all the CDs mommies :)

Here's Ethan in his Dino Bumwear which I bought even before he was born ;p

Happy Birthday Seth!!

A good friend of mine invited us for her son's 1st birthday party last Saturday. Ethan was of coz in a delightful mood at the party as he received some attention from a couple of mommies and some new friends which include Seth the birthday boy of coz :) Happy birthday Seth!! May all good things in life come your way always!! Hugs and kisses from baby Ethan and Aunty J ;p
Here's Ethan with the birthday boy, Seth :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Current affairs

If you're into current affairs especially issues or concerns that will influence the way you think and feel, you may find Teknosis blog is your cup of tea. The author who is a high school student and an avid supporter of Ron Paul (if you don't know who Ron Paul is, do a search on google hee..) writes current events that interest not only him but I believe many will share the same if not the opposite of what he thinks and feels. This blog seems to cover a wide range of current affairs ranging from international human rights, child abuse, domestic terrorism to American politics and others. Personally, I feel general knowledge among people are on the rising high especially when so many of us are caught in the rat race life. But if you do have a bit of a free time, do blog hop to this site. At least you may know a bit about what's going on especially in the America.

CD madness!!

Yes, as I posted in my previous entry, I'm a CD addict, and this CD madness in me is still running wild and still on the loose!! Since a week ago, I've ordered and bought about 20 over CDs!! I've stayed up very late just to make sure I'll win bids that I've placed on eBay (I'm still bidding on two CDs ending tomorrow hee...) I even bought two GAD pocket fleece and a regular hemp insert when I brought SIL to Sandra's yesterday morning!! I just can't stop myself from this craziness can I??!! hahaha...Anyway, I actually bought these CDs as I hope to put Ethan full time on CDs and I was told and read that this type of CD is good for night time. I sound like I'm trying to make myself feel better?? Well...probably..haha...

So far Ethan doesn't fuss about wearing CDs (except that he sometimes tried to open the velcro tape. That is why I tend to choose CDs with snaps rather than with velcro nowadays). He's too young to differentiate between disposable and reusable diapers anyway. Unlike my 4 years old nephew who is so used to disposable diapers (he only wears it during the night) that I guess he feels a bit odd to suddenly having to wear this underwear like diaper and probably also at this age he is able to express his preferences.. hehe.. He wasn't happy when SIL asked him to try it on yesterday probably becoz he was feeling a little bit was only when SIL brought him to the toilet to try it on that he was more cooperative ...poor boy hehe...BTW, if you intend to let your toddler to wear CD and started it late, you may want to consider using white CDs as they may not feel so awkward and embarrass having to wear CDs at their age...This was the feedback that Sandra received from her customers and passed on to us. So of coz Joshua got a new white CD :) Oppsss it's 4.12am now...and not CD shopping...I fell asleep earlier just before 10pm...and woke up almost 1am just did one cyle of laundry and washed/sterilized Ethan's bottles and since I wasn't sleepy yet, I went online till now ;p But it's time to hit the sack adios for now folks! :)

Ethan in his dark chocolate Mummy's Touch pocket CD which I ordered from Precious One

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Malaysian stores selling cloth diapers

I can now self-proclaimed that I am a CD addict heee...for the past few days -almost a week now, I've been reading, browsing and shopping online (thanks to paid posts moolah hehe..) to add Ethan's CD collection. Don't get me wrong, I sure do enjoy reading and browsing through the online shops in Malaysia as well as overseas and eBay to get those gorgeous CDs. But it can be a bit tiring especially if you haven't had good night sleep for a few days all becoz I stayed up till ard 3am just so that I can win the bids I made on eBay!! Yeah...I did that a couple of times this week hehehe...I have no regrets though coz I managed to get some nice CDs with good price tags on ;p

Anyway, just for the sharing and for my own reference, here's a list of Malaysian online stores that sell CDs. This is a list that I grabbed from forum(thanks for the list!!) with a little bit of amendments :)

In alphabetical order :

I'm happy to have received some of the CDs which have reached me yesterday (yay!!) But I've yet to received those that I've ordered from eBay and from a nice lady whom I met through I'll post some pics later after I've got all of the CDs okay :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Presenting to you my Lil'People Boutique

Yes, I've started a home-based business thanks to my so called hobby- shopping for baby/kiddy clothes :) So folks, come visit my Lil'People Boutique. I'm still new in these so am starting small but should you be interested in any of my stuff, kindly let me know ya :) Feedbacks are most welcome too.

Friends via blogging

Since I've started this blog, I'm glad to say that I've made quite a few new friends in the blogosphere :) I'm especially happy when I am able to ask them to share their experiences including recently on cloth diaper (CD) :) If you're the shy type to mingle around with people face to face, I guess you may find "mingling" among bloggers may seem less intimidating. As for me, I'll say yes to both hehe...Anyway, I've just heard from the grapevine that one could also make more new friends via this particular community over the net . If you're interested, do join 3gb community The more the merrier - friends that is ;p

Monday, April 14, 2008

Latest obsession

As some of you know especially those that I've personally asked about the benefits of Cloth Diapers (CDs), I've made my way to become another CD maniac hee...As I was telling Osindak, I've read about CD while I was still expecting Ethan...I even bought a cute one from Bumwear just for a trial...unfortunately that only CD piece that I have initially was kept deep inside Ethan's chest of drawers for months!! It was only recently that I dug it back when Ethan got his first fungal infection. Seeing him feeling uncomfortable especially not being able to sleep in peace at night has led me to think about switching from disposable diapers to CD. After reading through articles about disposable diapers vs CDs and the pros and cons of CDs again...yeah I read through it months ago but b4 embarking on it, I thought I read it once again coz the initial investment can be quite hefty though more economical in the long run..and of coz after consulting CDs mommies like hip-O-mama , Osindak and Deana, I finally decided to switch to CDs. So yeah, I've bought my CDs thanks to Sandra of MiaBambina. I visited her home to get some CDs, inserts and a wet bag last Saturday afternoon. Met her cute daughter Maya too...I'll post the pictures of Maya and Ethan once I've transfer ed the pics from my hp hehe...
Since the initial investment can be pretty high, I'll start Ethan on CDs only during the day. I will switch to CDs fulltime when I have enough CDs to go around (which I don't think will be long especially with so many cute designs out there!!) and of coz if there's no negative reaction from Ethan :)
Today is his first day with his CDs. I've yet to take a picture of him in his CDs coz I put him on disposable diaper when we brought him to the clinic for his 10th month check up this morning. Oh btw, just side track a bit, he is 9.8kg and 77cm now - for my record only :) So will ask MIL later this evening how was his reactions to his new CDs if any :) Ok, let me share my humble CDs collection for now ;p
Ethan's very first CD from Bumwear which I bought in 2007 - love the batik dino print :)

I've also got a wet bag from Sandra and I was given a natural nappy cream courtesy of Sandra ;)
So here is my humble CDs collection + my wet bag and nappy cream - only 5 pieces for now (1 Bumwear, 3 Drybees pocket diapers - L size & Drybees Hybrid AIO)
If you wish to find out more about CDs, go to Deana's Children Journal and MiaBambina :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Playing footsie: the way they like it

As mentioned in my profile, my hubby is a football fan. He loves playing at the football field and would go for footsal games. Just yesterday evening, he told me that he and his colleagues are going to play at the sports complex tomorrow at 7pm. No, this is not a typo mistake as they are really gonna play a match at 7pm. I thought the place is fully booked during the day but nope, the hubs told me that they have been wanting to play at the stadium at night especially with the spot lights on since last year. But they have only managed to get things organize this year. They are even willing to share the cost of about RM900 for that one particular match!! Maybe I should bring Ethan to watch his dad and his other mates chasing after a ball hehehe...maybe if I have someone to tag along, I may be able to take some pictures too...hmmm...we'll see if we can arrange something..

Anyway, talking about hubby's favourite sport, he bought Ethan his first footsie ball even before he arrives! So naturally I would expect hubby would certainly influence Ethan to love and play football. But little did I expect for my little boy to start liking football at a very young age. Yup, am talking about him playing football as young as 9 month plus!! Since his first ball is not quite suitable for him to play with at the moment, hubby bought him another soft ball for him to kick around. Have a look at my very own Christiano Ronaldo!! You can't really see him in actions here but he certainly can kick the ball around!! ;p

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Are you into cars?

Just the other day, Jewelle posted an entry about "Do you judge a person by his car?" She also mentioned the reason why a particular neighbour of theirs was spotted with a fancy brand new car - it was for him to be able to acquire more respectable standing. I find that is a bit unfair and agree with her that it is sad knowing people actually judge someone's position based on the car that he or she drives or even the types of clothings and accessories that he or she owns. For all you know, a person who has a humble local made car might own more moolah than those who drives a BMW. If you ask me, I would say a person who has more cash is richer than those who has expensive stuff but with loads of debts on his or her shoulders. Of coz if you have both that would be wonderful and you're indeed one rich and lucky person! Anyway, coming back to the car subject, although it would always be nice to own a fancy one but I'm certainly not a person who is into fancy cars. As long as I can reach from point A to point B without any problem and the car is still in tip top condition, I'm fine. But then again, if I do strike lucky with a huge amount of cash from a lottery ticket, I won't mind splurging a bit on a brand new car hehe...otherwise, perhaps I could always stick to my old faithful car or consider purchasing good reasonable used cars ;p

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sabah Fest 2008

For more details click here.

What I miss about Singapore...

When a friend of mine forwarded me an email about a concert to be held in Kota Kinabalu this coming May, it reminded me how I used to enjoy guessing and knowing who will be the next singer or band performing in Singapore. This of course happened before I return to Kota Kinabalu from the city of Lion about 4 years ago.

Besides some great friends that I've made, attending concerts is one of the things that I miss most about Singapore. I can't really recall all the concerts that I've attended (pardon me for being "ancient" hehe) but I know I've truly enjoyed concerts by Shaggy (I really love it when he sang "the strength of a woman" coz all the ladies in the house were shouting like mad including yours truly hahaha..), Ronan Keating (he is absolutely gorgeous esp when he shook his cute bump!!! Auuuwwww I can die!!!....excuse me hubby but this is just me being girly haha), Red Hot Chilli Pepper (really hot concert!), No Doubt (fantastic show!), Jewel (more of a relaxing and quiet evening as her performance was basically her singing on a stool the whole nite hehe) and errrr...what else ah?? Errrmmmm...yikes my memory died on me again!! Oh I've attended the Disney on Ice too and one really funky & modern Christian Concert!! I can't remember the others so won't crack my brain for it here hehe.. What I wanted to say is just that I do miss Singapore and hope I'll be able to return there for a break and meet up with all my friends soon :)

And oh...talking about the upcoming concert in KK this May, here are the details:
The prestigious National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) will be performing here in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Details to the events are as follows:


Date:9 & 10 May 2008
Time: 8:00pm
Venue :Recital Hall, University Malaysia Sabah
Ticket price:

  • Premiere Concert on 9 May 2008 (TYT & Toh Puan in attendance) RM250.00 (category 1) RM150.00 (category 2)
  • Concert on 10 May 2008 RM150.00 (category 1) RM50.00 (category 2)
  • Matinee Show (at 3pm) for student only (10 May 2008) RM10 p/ticket

The prestigious National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) will be filling the air with sweet harmonies this May, performing for two nights at the UMS Recital Hall in Kota Kinabalu. They will bring you classics such as Tchaikovsky's Romeo & Juliet and Prelude to Carmen Suite no.1. There will also be a stellar appearance by their resident soprano, Syafinaz Selamat. Don't miss this exclusive musical treat!

For ticket reservations or to purchase tickets, please contact Jane Lai at 088-232121 or Shirley Teo at 088-212121.

I must admit am not into orchestra concerts but if you're interested, this would be good info for you :)

Anyway, coming back to what I miss about Singapore...of course the other things I miss about Singapore is non other than the NLB BOOK SALES & the SINGAPORE BIG SALES!! Ok ok...I have to take a deep breath so as not to excite my getting old heart...breath in....breath out....sigh...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Ethan is 10 months old today!!

Yes, my little prince charming is 10 months old! His weight about 2 weeks ago was 9.8kg. I shall update this entry once we bring him to his monthly check up at the government clinic next monday. Till then, enjoy his 10th months old pics! ;p

Not so good mood in the morning ;p

On the way to grandma's

Him trying to read with his book upside down! ;p

My multi-tasking baby - drink milk, sleep and "read" at the same time hehe..

The "pregnant man" ?

Yes, it is true, he is a 34 years old man who is happily married to his wife Nancy. They operate a small business and stays in a normal neighbourhood. Unusual as it sounds, Thomas Beatie who from Oregon is 6 months pregnant and he is going to give birth to their first child, a baby girl this summer. If you wonder how this happened. Well, technically, he was once a woman called Tracy till he decided to become a transgendered man.

This couple's extra ordinary story became a hit especially after their first TV interview by Oprah in her Oprah Winfrey Show recently. Here's one of the video clips from the Oprah show. This is just part 1-3 of the interview. I heard there are 5 parts. If you're interested, do a search in and you'll get the rest of the videos.

Alternatively, here's a report from CNN's Headline News - ShowBiz Tonight on the "Pregnant Man"

If you have no patient to wait for the video, go to Oprah's site to read about it.

Understandably, if you're really keen to have your very own flesh and blood, you would try everything that's possible. If you ask me if I'm disturbed by this revelation? Well, not really because he is after all born a woman and that his female organ that could give him a baby is still intact. Since his wife is unable to conceive anymore due to health reason and he has the ability to do so, I'll say why not. After all, it is their life and I think they have the right to choose and do what they fancy. Besides, I think their story is more acceptable than those who are into Drug Abuse !! My only concern is how their daughter will be able to face the questions and remarks throw at her once she starts schooling. I just hope the parents would be able to prepare her well to avoid future headache and heartache. All the best to the unconventional family! :)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mr. Croc

I bought a really cute soft toy for Ethan last Friday at Concept Living (if you don't already know, it is the shop that sells Ikea stuff at Warisan Square) during the long lunch hours break. When I first laid my eyes on it, I immediately thought it would be perfect to be used as a bolster for Ethan especially as he grows bigger ;p

Mr Croc
Mr. Croc waited patiently at my office before meeting his new owner ;p
Mr Croc with his new owner - BTW, do you notice how similar their clothings are? ;p

The two having their afternoon nap - same sleeping position hehe..

Friday, April 4, 2008

Evil eBay

If you wonder why I put my title as evil eBay, its because I've been naughty and can't seem to refrain myself from getting some really cute baby stuff from eBay instead of blaming myself, am diverting the blame to eBay!! haha... Just today one of my favourite sellers just sent me another baby cloth set that's very tempting and hard for me to say no...I won't be showing you that set coz it's not up on eBay yet, but I can show you what stuff I've pre-ordered recently ;p

Simply irresistible huh ;p

I think I'll have to refrain myself from visiting eBay too often coz it is depleting moolah from my purse!! haha...Having said that, don't worry, I'm still under control. As long as I've covered my savings and other financial commitments, it's ok to pamper my lil' E or even myself once in a while. I know I won't want to end up having to opt for bad credit loans although such services are good for those who has bad credits history but wanting to get a loan ;p

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Photo of the day

Four's a company : Ethan with all his cousins (from his mommy's side) i.e. Moira, Joshua & Allie :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Till we meet again Kayos

A very dear friend of mine whom I know for over a decade will be moving to the UK either today or tomorrow... Her beloved hubby got a fabulous job offer thus the move. I'm deeply happy for both of them though I must admit the green monster is lurking somewhere inside me! ;p But honestly, I'm truly happy for the good things in life that will be waiting for them over there :)

Despite their very tight schedule, I'm really glad that we've managed to meet up in KK (they used to work in KL) last Saturday. It was their second time meeting Ethan (the first time was when Ethan was merely a month plus) and my prince sure does like both of them especially Subi :)

To my dear J and Subi, have a safe journey to UK and do keep in touch!! Jay, please start your blog so we know what you'll be up to okie! ;p And yes, sorry I know you said no pics in my blog but this blog is like a reference tool for me... in case I become senile when I'm old, at least these pics will help me to remember you my dear friend! haha...excuses! ;p Till we meet again, take care you both!! :) We'll definitely gonna miss you both!!

Oh btw, since you'll be an English Tai-tai (rich "English" housewife) very soon J, I hope you won't be tempted to check the top online casino site! ;p You know am talking about hehehe...