Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's a BOY!!

Baby #2 at 15 weeks 5 days

Yes, our gynae has confirmed yesterday that we're expecting another BOY! Honestly speaking it would be a bonus to have a girl but we are equally happy and excited to welcome another baby Boy to our home :) What is more important to us is that our baby is well and healthy. And I've started telling Ethan that he is going to be a 'koko" (big bro) to a "titi" (baby brother) hee... Well, it seems like the mountain of clothes Ethan has is going to be well used and we sure will be able to save quite a bit ;p

During yesterday's review, I was told that bb is very active and seems to be progressing very well. Although I've lost a bit of weight, my gynae told me that bb is not small and when I asked her does that mean bb is big....she just laugh and told me that baby is not small with a smile on her face...opppsss...but all the same we're happy to know bb is doing well inside my tummy :) Now..we need to find a suitable name for our 2nd baby boy ;p

First trimester

I guess I am one of the lucky ones who did not suffer from vomiting throughout my first trimester. Having said that I was not and is still not (though it is not as bad) spared from the dizziness, super-bionic sensitive nose (if you wear perfume please stay far far far away from me!! hehe..), feeling nausea, lazy, tired etc etc. But I know this is just temporary so I shall not dwell too much on it as it is better to see the brighter side of the whole pregnancy i.e. to welcome and to hold our baby #2 in our arms comes 25th March 2010 :)

In the beginning I could really eat a lot and seemed to be hungry all the time. I was worried about gaining too much weight too fast but when hunger strikes I just gobbled my food! But currently I've turned into a fussy and choosy eater which explained some weight loss during my review yesterday. Happy? Kinda but at the same time worry it might affect my baby's development. The nurse and my gynae of coz assured me that weight loss during pregnancy is common so nothing to worry about. Well, I remember during my pregnancy with Ethan I am always putting on weight since day 1... and even got a few lectures from my gynae for putting on too much too soon hehe...For this pregnancy my taste bud is different. With Ethan I didn't really have any craving but this time around, I would stock riped mangoes in our fridge and need to take a few sips of Coke now and then (I know it is bad but can't help it hee..) to wash away the queasiness in my mouth. I'm also into porridge and dislike oily food and seem to have lost my sweet tooth - even chocolate doesn't seem to be appealing at the moment.

Anyway, here are the first couple of scans of our baby #2 :)

Baby #2 at 6 weeks 6 days - still tiny, see between the two marks

Baby #2 at 12 weeks 1 day old

Today is special...

It's our 3rd wedding anniversary...

...and Ethan who is now 15.6kg turns 2 years 4 months :)