Me & my boys

About Me
- Aunty J
- Mom to two charming princes i.e Ethan (7/6/2007) & Elijah (10/3/2010) and wife to a wonderful hubby who loves to play football and watch football matches but have no favourite team... UPDATE: Hubs claimed that he is now an Arsenal fan...
Chronicles of my two princes and life as a working mom
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Sunday, January 25, 2009
Moo-ving in
Monday, January 12, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Have you got talent?

A lovely Christmas card from Hannie to me ;)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Picky eating behaviour
" is perfectly normal for children to go through periods of saying they dislike something even if they loved it the day before. It is often due to their growing independence. This is why toddlers often go though periods of being fussy with what they eat." - having a mind of their own now...
"Refusing to eat is very common to toddlers because they are reaching a stage of learning control. To them, food is the easiest thing to control, eat or not eat." - aren't they smart as they now want to control us instead hehe
" about one year of age. The child now grows at a slower pace and does not require the amounts of food that were necessary to fuel the earlier growth. " - thus the reason why they don't eat as much I supposed....
"A common reason babies don't eat solids is that they are getting more food than they need the easy way, from the bottle. No toddler needs more than 24 ounces of milk a day and you can even cut down to 16 ounces. " - I may have overdosed him with his milk as I give him almost 24 ounces a day...
"...instead of aiming for a nutritionally balanced day, aim for a nutritionally balanced week" - ok now I know...
"Be aware of how little food a young child needs. A TABLESPOON PER YEAR OF AGE (i.e. two tablespoons for a two-year-old) of starches, fruits and vegetables is an adequate serving size. As for meat or chicken, a serving is the size of the CHILD'S PALM" - oh wonder...
and Murkoff et al said that "When it comes to eating and growing, a toddler's body works in mysterious ways. Toddlers manage to grow and thrive taking in amounts of food that, from parental point of view , seems insufficient to nourish a grasshopper" - thank goodness as I was worried sick about this ;p
So now I don't have to worry too much as my lil' boy is actually growing up and this is one of the phases that is perfectly normal..phew!! ;p
If you're having the same problem or getting yourself ready for this phase, here are some useful links:
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Tech chic must have!! I want!!!

Such a pretty and stylist lil' thing don't you agree???!!! I soooo want it!!! Such great temptation...
oh me...oh my...It was love at first sight when I saw it here...Dear Santa...I promise I will be extra good this year and please please please pretty please can you please put this under the tree before we bring it down and store it away...I know I know...just another wishful thinking obviously!! hahaha...I haven't even look at the specs but I just love the color and the design...the designer Viviene Tam uses peony flower...according to Lilian Too...peony flowers are good for the singles especially if u carry it around with you all the time...okay let me just have a quick read on the price and specs ... ok here goes, to own one, it will cost you roughly about US$700 and the specs are not bad if you're just using it for word processing, surfing and some basic applications. Definately not suitable for the heavy users of graphics , games etc...BUT most importantly, does it suits me?? OH YES INDEED!! I WANT!!!! I've checked the HP Msian site...none yet :( Oh Santa.... where are you????!!!!
Anyway, I have stories to tell but have not got the chance to do so ...and of coz pictures to share...though not as many, as hubby has been away due to work commitments. Hence, my Xmas cum NY break has not been what I've planned to be...wanted to bring Ethan out for a swim, picnic, out with his cousins especially hubby's 2nd bro who is back from KL, to attend Xmas and NY parties, celebrate hubby's bday, out with my friends, pampering myself with facial and pedicure sessions etc etc...but oh well...some other days perhaps...I hope next year it will be a more eventful Xmas and NY and I hope you had a blast on yours recently! ;p I'll be back with more later folks! Oh psssttt... please help me to look for dear Santa for the HP Viviene Tam's design would you? I'm sooo in love with it!! ;p
Ethan & Eli
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