Bonding and fun time with their Daddy ;p
Me & my boys

About Me
- Aunty J
- Mom to two charming princes i.e Ethan (7/6/2007) & Elijah (10/3/2010) and wife to a wonderful hubby who loves to play football and watch football matches but have no favourite team... UPDATE: Hubs claimed that he is now an Arsenal fan...
Chronicles of my two princes and life as a working mom
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
My boys
It's all about spider...
You must be thinking what that small hat doing on Ethan's head ;p Well, it belongs to Eli (once belongs to Ethan of course) but Ethan refused to let it go eventhough I kept teasing him that the hat only meant for babies ;p
This video depicts how Ethan behaves with Eli during one of our usual morning drives to 4 different destinations i.e. Eli to MIL's , Ethan to playschool and both me and hubby to our work place ;p
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Trucking Ethan
Monday, July 26, 2010
My lil' Transformer
and after...
Happy Mum on sales..
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
My poor kiddos
Talking about medicine, previously, it was like World War III to feed Ethan his times we need 3 people just to feed him medicines - one person to hold his head and mouth, another to hold his super strong legs while the 3rd person to feed him the medicine... but giving him his medicine nowadays is a lot more manageable...the trick is that we have to tell him that those are his vitamins instead of medicines ;p

As for is more heartbreaking as he can't speak. The only way he could tell us he is in pain is by crying and crying he did...a lot...till he almost lost his voice :( Poor baby his ulcer must have hurt him more as compare to's really heartbreaking to hear him cry for food and at the same time cry due to the pain...but as of last nite...the pain may have reduced as he didn't cry when I fed him his last milk before bedtime (I made his milk with no hot water..just room temperature boiled water...) Just hope he will recover soon ...
But am thankful that despite the mouth ulcer both boys are as active as that is a good sign :)
Just like his big bro, Eli doesn't like to take medicine too. He started to protest even before the medicine goes into his mouth ;pWednesday, July 14, 2010
They were in town..

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Baby wearing...
But as I had Eli I started to look at pouches again and without hesitant bought another brand i.e. Little Pods which was on 50% discount previously at Tiny Tapir. After purchasing 2 in red and turquoise (yeah I know but the price reduction was too tempting to was like buy 1 get 1 free hehe..) and so I told myself that I will start wearing Eli from newborn...Indeed I started but didn't last long as I only tried it on him for a few times b4 I hang the pouch back ;p I reckon I lack of confident and afraid I might hurt Eli...

Eli was 3 weeks old then...
However, recently as I was talking to Zura about baby wearing I realised I should try to wear Eli in my pouch again as it would be handy especially I'm maid-less now. I need my hands to be free so I can do more things and would be able to move around better ...if Sandra is still around I will surely bug her again but too bad she isn't around now... so the next best person that came to my mind was Joyce... I thought I could ask Joyce if she could show us how to wear pouch properly since she is one of the experts in baby wearing and I know where she lives which is not far from my home ;p So I YM her and we set a date which was last Friday :) Zura is going on a trip to KL soon and wearing her baby will be very handy...
Thanks Joyce for showing us how to use the pouch and for demonstrating us how to use SSC and Mei Tai...Gemma is such a cuddly and lovable lil' princess and your Gaga is sooo handsome! Love it when he obediently let you wear him at your back as a demo to me and Zura hehe..
And guess so glad we went to you Joyce coz during that weekend, Eli has a brand new 'attitude'. He only wants us to feed him while standing up!! At 5.9kg, he is not as chubby as Gemma but it can be tiring holding him on one arm with one hand feeding him... so who came to my rescue??? My red hot Little Pods pouch of course!! Heee...
I can even take some pics while feeding him ;p
My fussy lil' monkey who indeed has a mind of his own!! ;p Nevertheless, we love him to pieces!!
Hmmmmm...I think we should form some kind of baby wearing group in KK coz I think it will be useful for inexperience mothers like myself to learn from the experts like you Joyce :) Ba Joyce kau start la hehehe... Karmilla you oso ..kamu dua la jadi sifu ;p
Friday, July 2, 2010
What's in the mail...
Just to show the size of the wet bag...
Thursday, July 1, 2010
"Celebrate" mini album
Ethan & Eli
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