Me & my boys

About Me
- Aunty J
- Mom to two charming princes i.e Ethan (7/6/2007) & Elijah (10/3/2010) and wife to a wonderful hubby who loves to play football and watch football matches but have no favourite team... UPDATE: Hubs claimed that he is now an Arsenal fan...
Chronicles of my two princes and life as a working mom
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
"Tee-hop" means thank you
Like any other parents, we try to teach some basic or courtesy manners to our children to encourage respect and appreciations of others. 'Thank you', 'please' and 'you're welcome' are pretty common ones. However, Ethan some how refuses to say those words. It was only recently that he finally started to use the word 'please'. As for 'thank you' this is his own version ;p It's either he is baby talking or simply just teasing me ;p
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Birthday celebration

and oh...talking about birthday...I turned 39 yesterday!! Looking foward to the big 40 next August and yes I am not afraid to tell my age nor do I feel ashame about it!! ;p what I wish more is to grow old gracefully and hopefully as I age I will be a much stronger and wiser person. So here cheers to myself!! :)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Noah's Fullmoon
As for Eli, it was the first outing for him...previously we didn't bring him out much except to MIL's , the clinics or doctor due to the inconvenient cause by his reflux..but now that his reflux is almost gone we can enjoy bringing him out more :)
Baby Noah being baby of coz was in lala land most of the time during his party but he is such a cutie pie nevertheless!!
Come and enjoy the photos in my FB
And oh.. I've asked Hannie to make a page especially for baby Noah as one of his fullmoon's gifts.
And talking about Hannie, here's another page she made on Ethan recently :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
It's in my hands now...
This video is just for my reference as how to fold the SCC back into the snugg carrier sleeve...
While this video shows how to use a soft structure carrier (SCC) -I can't find a video by Snuggbaby so I keep this video as reference first ;p
Monday, August 2, 2010
Why French women don't get fat..
I was taking a short break from work and was reading an article when this "The French Paradox: The Reasons French Women Don't Get Fat" article grabbed my attention. I did a quick read and below are the reasons why French ladies are forever slim...
- French women eat 'good' fats rather than 'bad' fats
- French women savor their food
- French women eat fresh
- French women eat regular meals and don't snack between meals
- French women indulge -- in smaller portions
- French women drink plenty of water
Basically, its all the dos and don'ts of healthy eating though it is easier said than done eh ;p If only I have such discipline in following such regime hee...but then again I guess it is easier when it is already a part of our daily life or way of life/ culture like those chic and poised French women...Anyway, its a good practise that I hope to 'master' one day ;p
Ethan & Eli
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