Both taken from The Star Online
Me & my boys

About Me
- Aunty J
- Mom to two charming princes i.e Ethan (7/6/2007) & Elijah (10/3/2010) and wife to a wonderful hubby who loves to play football and watch football matches but have no favourite team... UPDATE: Hubs claimed that he is now an Arsenal fan...
Chronicles of my two princes and life as a working mom
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Monday, January 17, 2011
Much has been said about the pros and cons of's the downside of it if you do not know how to protect beware on the danger of FB...
Love bite
No, its not what you're thinking...rather am talking about special 'love bites' by my cutie pie Eli ;p
As of today, our precious baby Eli has 4 incisors (2 at the bottom and another 2 at the top). Looking at the "When to expect babies' teeth" guide I posted much earlier, I'm expecting at least another 4 more incisors before he turns 1 in March. I guess he must be trying to satisfy his biting instint because of late Eli has been sinking his baby teeth on me!! Just yesterday alone I received two love bites from Eli! ;p
As of today, our precious baby Eli has 4 incisors (2 at the bottom and another 2 at the top). Looking at the "When to expect babies' teeth" guide I posted much earlier, I'm expecting at least another 4 more incisors before he turns 1 in March. I guess he must be trying to satisfy his biting instint because of late Eli has been sinking his baby teeth on me!! Just yesterday alone I received two love bites from Eli! ;p
The second love bite I received yesterday courtesy of baby Eli ;p
When it comes to brushing or cleaning his teeth/ mouth..forget the finger brush or a towel..this will do less damage to my fingers, thanks to Pigeon!! ;p
Our little treasure ;p
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The boys with their cousins..
Left to right: Theodore, Elthan & Eli, Joshua & Noah, Moira
Big bros with their lil bros ;p
Fighting over toys already!!??...tsk tsk tsk...
On Ethan's playschool progress...
Remember I made an entry about Ethan's progress report from his school previously...well we received his second progress report from the school just before his playschool closed for the year end festive seasons last December. Seeing the improvements he made just over a couple of months time put a smile on our faces..Glad he is improving..well done Ethan..keep up the good work eh ;p
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I'm back..and Eli is now 10 months old!
Hi everyone, my apology for keeping this space idle for a has been pretty busy.. both at home and at work...thus the long silence....well, laziness is another factor too of coz ;p
Anyway, just a short update on my cutie pie Eli who just turned 10 months old yesterday...He is now 8.7kg and 74cm in length. He makes attempts to crawl and stand and is able to sit more firmly without support. Can be very vocal in his own way, be it when he is frustrated, excited, happy, demand for something etc. Unlike Ethan and much to my dismay, he doesn't take much water...but I hope to be able to train him in liking water again..I had succeeded during the Christmas and NY break but somehow he has returned to the old habit of disliking water again after the break..sigh..
Food wise he is still eating sieved food...have tried to feed him mashed food last weekend but he doesn't seem to agree with the texture yet as he would throw up whenever I feed him mashed food...oh well, will have to try again this weekend...I don't remember Ethan refusing mashed food before...I guess Eli is more of a fussy eater? ;p
Photo taken by Eddie Johari
Food wise he is still eating sieved food...have tried to feed him mashed food last weekend but he doesn't seem to agree with the texture yet as he would throw up whenever I feed him mashed food...oh well, will have to try again this weekend...I don't remember Ethan refusing mashed food before...I guess Eli is more of a fussy eater? ;p
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