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Me & my boys

About Me
- Aunty J
- Mom to two charming princes i.e Ethan (7/6/2007) & Elijah (10/3/2010) and wife to a wonderful hubby who loves to play football and watch football matches but have no favourite team... UPDATE: Hubs claimed that he is now an Arsenal fan...
Chronicles of my two princes and life as a working mom
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Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas & New Year Greetings!
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Family pictures 2009
All photos taken by
More pictures in my Facebook ;p (photos are still being added...)
Monday, December 14, 2009
My lil' musician
At home, he only has his guitar and xylophone as music instruments but he broke his guitar a few weeks ago. We intentionally did not want to get him a new guitar as a lesson for him so that he will know how to appreciate and look after his toys. But he is one lucky boy as he got a special surprise from one of this grand uncles from hubby's side two Sundays ago. His grand uncle Edward & family just got back from a family vacation and bought Ethan a really cool guitar from Cebu...and guess what, not only did Ethan got a new guitar but he was able to play with 2 other guitars belongs to his lil' Aunt Katherine and another one of his grand uncle Edward's guitars too! Aren't he lucky?! ;p
Hubby's uncles especially from his mom's side are music incline lot. They love to sing and they can easily form a band. His Uncle Edward is one of them who loves to sing and plays the guitar well and our Ethan has always been a great fan of his :)
And what happened after all that hard work of plucking 3 guitars??... a blistered finger of course which Ethan thought was a sticker 'stucked' on his index finger though he did said 'pain, pain' when he showed it to us hehehe...and for the past 1 week although it is almost completely healed...he will still repeatedly 'report' to us about his lil' wound so we can blow and kiss it better ..such a 'drama boy' eh ;p
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
X'mas Carols by Candlelight
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Fun filled public holiday
We then proceed to a pet shop on the first floor which caught my attention a few days earlier as they have a few dogs either inside the cage or running freely in the shop. I thought it would be interesting for Ethan to see those cute doggies and of course his mummy is fond of dogs too so why not kill two birds with 1 stone eh ;p He got so excited with the black poodle (I think its a poodle..) that he squealed in delight in his high pitched voice whenever he comes near it and he kept chasing after it too!!...Besides these two places, he enjoyed going up and down the escalators and wandering around the shopping mall. Poor hubby had to keep up with him :)
Monday, December 7, 2009
30 months
Father & son bonding
Friday, December 4, 2009
6 months gone, 4 more to go!
So far I've been telling Ethan that he'll soon be a 'kor-kor' (big brother) to his lil brother which for now is till inside his mummy's stomach :) Sometimes when I asked him 'what's in mummy's stomach?', he will say, 'bb' and sometimes when he sees my stomach he will come and touch it and says 'big stomach' ;p Although he does seem to think there's bb in my stomach but I don't think he really understands what it means yet...perhaps I ought to show him some pics of baby inside a mother's stomach and show him pictures of newborn babies...hmmm... I wonder how other mothers tell their toddlers about upcoming new sibling...if you have some tips do share with me will you? :)
I'm supposed to pose this ultra scan pic last month but kept postponing it due to laziness ;p Anyway, here's baby#2 at 20 weeks 5 days.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Our Xmas tree is up!!
He ain't scared
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Musikgarten: family music for toddlers
Some of you may have heard of Musikgarten but for those who have not heard about it, Musikgarten is basically an early childhood music education for children from birth to age nine.
You may ask,
Ethan falls under the 16 months to 3.5 years old category and below is the course content for his age group:
16 Months - 3.5 Years
Participate with your toddler for 30 minutes each week in singing, Chanting, moving, dancing, listening and playing simple instruments.
Musical play activities:
– Help develop a strong musical bond with your child and closer family ties.
– Bridge the natural connection between music and movement.
– Enhance your child’s musical aptitude and listening abilities.
– Lay the foundation for singing and vocal development, listening skills, and purposeful movement.
– Movement activities for coordination, body awareness, exploration of space, body control and the pure joys of movement.
– Folk songs for singing, dancing and listening.
– Focused listening examples from both daily life and music instruments.
– Instruments to explore: rhythm sticks, jingles, rattles, drums, and resonator bars.
– 4 wonderful semesters, each with a 60 minute CD, a parent activity book and an instrument or scarf to use at home.
While the rest were following the class, Ethan was busy inspecting the stuff inside the classroom ;p
He was quite happy to join when the teacher brought the xylophone out though ..but the teacher had to persuade him to return it to her so the others can have their turns heee...
You can see Ethan still wanted to play with it even though his turn was over hehehe...
Of labels and satin fabric
Ethan & Eli
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