Me & my boys

About Me
- Aunty J
- Mom to two charming princes i.e Ethan (7/6/2007) & Elijah (10/3/2010) and wife to a wonderful hubby who loves to play football and watch football matches but have no favourite team... UPDATE: Hubs claimed that he is now an Arsenal fan...
Chronicles of my two princes and life as a working mom
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Monday, March 30, 2009
Our 1 min Earth Hour
Before the actual event, my conversation with hubby:
Me: Darling, should we join in the Earth Hour fun?
Hub: Can we?
Me: Maybe we should just try and see if Ethan allows us ...
Hub: Ok
On the actual evening:
Hub: It's almost time...6 more minutes! (in the living room with Ethan watching the telly)
Me: Ok coming (shouting from the kitchen)
8.30pm on the dot:
Light off, but we thought we'll let the fans and telly on so that Ethan will not grumble so soon. So light off and Ethan was still unaware or didn't notice as his favourite Mickey Mouse Clubhouse programme was still on the telly.
Then our conversation went:
Me: Okay...let's try to switch off the tv
Hub: Ok (and hubby switched off the tv)
Silence filled the room for merely a minute before Ethan started to make noise and kept repeating "isis, isis" (his lingo in calling Mickey which till today we still don't know how he came to such name calling for Mickey Mouse...), "on, on" and started to make more noise. So our attempt to join the Earth Hour failed ;p How did yours went? I hope it went smoothly or at least much better than ours hee...
Chop chop chop...
As it was going to be his first real hair cut, I brought along some toys and his current favourite brochure (he has a thing about brochure ..he will look at it for a long time as if he was reading it hee...) to distract him if he gets restless during the hair cut. Have a look how it went ;p
Ethan looking bored and giving me the "are you finished with your stint as paparazzi mummy??!" ;p
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I love his laughter
Ethan is not only a curious and active boy but he is also a very playful boy...he loves playing with hubby...You can tell he misses playing with hubby as whenever we come and fetch him after work, he will always go to hubby first...hubby is after all Ethan's favourite playmate :) Have a look at one of their play time sessions. I just love listening to his contagious laughter :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Vicks Vaporub could be dangerous
As for Ethan, I've stopped using Vicks Vaporub on him after I bought the Northern Essence All Natural Vapor Rub from MiaBambina last July. It is stated that this product is safe to use even on baby from 3 months old onwards.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Ethan in his pyjamas
Playing with the cuzzies

Sweet lil' Ish happily playing with Ethan

Ethan inside Zach's & Ish's special playing place - Thomas the Train tent ;)

The two who are only about 4 months apart getting to know each other better... Excited with the hiding place with so many toys inside it...

Ethan trying to get hold of Zach's fav hat....and when he finally succeeded with the help of Uncle Y...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Pagoda Ling San Tuaran
About a month ago, we went for a long drive to Tuaran. While looking for a place to have Tuaran mee for lunch, we came across this Pagoda and thought we should give it a visit after lunch. We didn't stay long as it started to drizzle as we entered the main building. Ethan however enjoyed looking at the colorful statues and decorated walls as well as walking up the staircase and a short walk around the place. He was tired after the walk thus the Kenny G impersonation ;p
Saturday, March 21, 2009
It's almost over
Here we wish to extend our sincere thanks to my SIL, Lisa for being our walking medicine/ health encyclopedia during those challenging time...I think after 3 kids, she could consider taking up another degree and probably switch her career from an engineer to a pharmacist in the future hehehe...
And for my own reference, here am listing the types of fever medicines that can be used together when fever doesn't subside (information given by Dr. June of RMC ):
1. Ibuphoren & Uphamol
2. Ibuphoren & Voren (must be 6 hours gap/apart)
3. Uphamol & Voren (if fever doesn't subside after 45min-1 hr of Uphamol, insert Voren - this was the combination we used on Ethan recently)
Note: This general list is for my own future reference, you should refer to your own doctor for your own case.
Oh btw, do share with me if you had experienced similar case and how did you handled your precious okay :)
p/s As I'm blogging away, my lil' precious is still fast asleep next to me at this moment ;p
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What a relief!!
Anyway, as his conditions did not improve much, I called RMC for advice that evening as Ethan's fever did not get better even with the fever meds...the nurse told me the same thing i.e. keep sponge bathing him and told me even if we bring him to RMC they will give the same meds as what the SMC' doctor gave...the nurse told me that we should wait till the next day to see the Paed...we did and the Doctor told us that Ethan's throat was red and throat infection was the culprit for his very high fever. Antibiotic was given but the only thing was that it takes about 2-3 days for it to take effect!!. So you can imagine how the conditions were like in between then!! Ethan of coz still had high fever even when the fever medicine was not due yet...that was when his feet and palms will turn cold and pale and we had to work really fast to keep his body temperature down! At one point, I just don't know what to do seeing the temperature reaching 40.7C that I quickly brought him to the bathroom and showered him with luke warm water as I remembered one of my ex-colleague did with her son. But last night I got a lecture from my mum. She reminded me that never ever shower a child with very high fever coz even if the temperature did go down, it will back fire and the fever will get even worst! This was told to her by our paed when we were still kiddos. I've totally forgotten about that as I was panicking then. Instead I should keep sponge bathing him with tepid water. Wipe him with wet towel especially his head, neck, behind his knees, armpits etc...As the water evaporates it will give a cooling effect to the body thus keep the temperature down...but as his fever still didn't really go down, we've decided to soak his feet in luke warm water as advised by SIL. As the temperature went down below 40C, and he stopped shivering and his feet and hands turned pinkish again and he seems better, we filled his bath tub with some water, sat him down and sponge bath him while he watch tv or rather the Mickey Mouse DVD which we borrowed from my big bro. He was happy watching the DVD while we both still working hard to keep him body temperature back to normal. At times it took about 45 minutes but the longest we had was around 5 hours on Tuesday evening. It was from around 4pm till almost 10pm. The worst was when his temperature went down but lingered around 38.5C for a while and then shoot up again to 40.5C!! We were like holly cow what's going on!! And we had to wait till the time is right to insert the Voren suppository in his annus and that was like another 2 hours more!! Called SIL again and she said we can give him earlier which we did in no time!! Even so we still had to work hard as the medicine will only kicks in after 45min - 1 hr!! So again you can imagine the madness we had to go through...Ethan was a bit weak then....but thank goodness he still has appetite for milk and asked for it...he felt asleep while taking his milk while we continue to sponge bath...I even called the RMC doctor to tell her the situation and she also said we need to keep his temperature low by sponge bathing till the next medicine dose is due and his temperature goes down. I was thinking isn't there anything else we could do for goodness sake cause it was really heart breaking to see Ethan like that!! But of cause that is the only thing we can do...we kept sponge bath him and kept praying at the same time and thank God the temperature did go down after an hour and Ethan woke up and started baby talking to us again. We were so happy but we had to continue sponge bathing him as his temperature was still high...thank goodness also that was the last time Ethan shivered due to the high fever as the Augmentin antibiotic took effect...his temperature was ok and only had mild fever that night till this morning...we were so thankful and relief that the worst is over...although he had a few shivering moments, in between he was still as cheeky and active as usual...well, that's our cheeky boy hehehe....his appetite was good till yesterday till today...but at least his appetite for his milk is very good. In fact, he asks for more milk then the normal days now...This morning although he seemed a bit less active probably because he was still asleep when we carried him to the car...but he seemed better as he reached my PIL's home. So after waiting for a while just to see his condition, we went back to work after 3 days of emergency leave. When I called MIL just now, Ethan was active though he still have mild fever now and then...but it is much better than the past 3 days...thank God for that...ok time to make a move..will continue later...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
KL trip
Hubby's 2nd bro, Bryan and his beautiful family :)
Real Vs Fake
This video really tickled me pink just now (thanks to StoryMory)and I thought I should share it with you too...enjoy! ;p
Even a toddler can differentiate between fake and real ones!! hahaha ;p
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Crocs that can be bitten
Ohh...I however managed to do a last minute shopping at Isetan for Ethan b4 we left for the airport and bought him OshKosh: flip flop, sandal and a pair of shoes all for RM113 was a buy 3 and you get 50% discount heee...I didn't really know what his exact size was as I've forgotten to take his measurements but nevertheless I bought bigger sizes instead...kiasu or not??!! So there you are, the confession of a shopaholic!!! hahaha...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Home sweet home
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
All packed!
He is into cat

Cat, I like...says Ethan ;)
Monday, March 2, 2009
Fashion & technology are a perfect match!

Ethan & Eli
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