Me & my boys

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- Aunty J
- Mom to two charming princes i.e Ethan (7/6/2007) & Elijah (10/3/2010) and wife to a wonderful hubby who loves to play football and watch football matches but have no favourite team... UPDATE: Hubs claimed that he is now an Arsenal fan...
Chronicles of my two princes and life as a working mom
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Thursday, July 31, 2008
Last day to vote for ETHAN!!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Vote for ETHAN!!
UPDATES: 17:24 28th July - Ethan is in the top 2 among 17 contestants and is 5% vote (176 votes)behind the first one (229 votes). So please keep your vote coming folks!! Thanks so much for your support!! :)
Hello folks, I've entered Ethan in a Cutie Child contest recently and would love to have your vote for Ethan :) If you have been generous enough to give Ethan 1843 virtual hugs (see left side bar) for Ethan, I'm pretty sure you'll be generous enough to vote for him for the Search for the Cutie Child Contest!! :) So please make your way to the site or click on the picture below and vote for E T H A N please!! :) This contest is for the month of July and you can vote once a day. If you have friends that would like to vote for Ethan please forward this post to them too. The more the merrier!! heee...THANK YOU ALL IN ADVANCE!! Muaaaahhhhh!!! ;p

Cisco certification
Oh by the way folks, it’s only 2 days away from the closing of the Cutie Baby Contest, so please cast your vote for Lil’ Ethan pronto!! Thank you!! ;p

Monday, July 28, 2008
Baby Ryan's Fullmoon
BTW, if you ever plan to go to this restaurant make sure you bring warm clothings especially for your little ones as the place is kinda cold even for some adults :p
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
What's going on here???
If you notice, every time I put up the widget for that particular advertiser, I get the "oppss forbidden" icon. I just can't figure out what when wrong as for all I know, I just copied and pasted the exact html coding onto my blog. It's getting on my nerve to get these error messages and it makes me reluctant to do the adverts for Vo5. Sigh...Anybody can help me out here pretty please?? I'll be most grateful...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Best pick up line?
Ohh btw, don't forget to vote for my precious Ethan ya!! ;p
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Night cloth diapering 101

The participants: Me, Osindak, Deana and Joyce S.

Bought 6 wipes, Magic stick and the natural vapor rub all for Ethan ;p
Friday, July 18, 2008
I'm so vain

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Have you got the "Look"?

Talking about the "look", do you have a special flirty look like some people has? I don't think I have it but there's a competition going on i.e.Extreme Style by VO5 that is looking for the Victory Hair. So if you think you have the "look" especially a flirty one, why not join the Ultimate Flirting Championship. Who knows you might bring some cool prizes home :)
What colour are you? |
Blue You are a nice person who has friends that come in alot of variations. You are also smart, somewhat deep and you always seem to have alot of thoughts in your head. You're friends often tell you you're really sweet, nice and helpful. You love feeling at peace with yourself, that's when you work the best. You tend to act a bit diffrently depending on who you're with, and that you don't necessarily like and you might deny it. You have a feeling that there might be something "speciall" about you. You often think of what's hapening around you and often se things that other people might not notice. You are a happy person that loves making other people happy =).. Numbers: You like what I would like to call "round numbers" (If you are "a blue", I think you might understand).. Numbers like 2, 8 for example.. |
Fun quizzes, surveys & blog quizzes by ![]() |
Baby/ child CPR
The title says it all, yes this entry is especially dedicated to baby/ child CPR. I'm not going into details as in how to do the CPR but rather to create awareness on how crucial it is for all parents and parents-to-be on knowing how to perform CPR on their baby/ infant. Obviously, we as parents always think of what is safe for our baby, be it food, the surroundings and during travelling. But more often than not, we left out one very essential skill, i.e. performing baby CPR. I've attended first aid course ages ago and I've learnt about CPR but adult CPR differs from baby CPR. Lately since having Ethan, I've been wanting to learn CPR for baby for emergency purposes as we never know what will happen with little kids around especially when they start to move about.
It was just the right time when I saw the opportunity from about baby CPR. Nevertheless, for whatever reason, I am not qualified to do the opp but decided to request for a slot. However, as I was requesting for a slot, I stumbled upon the same opp requesting a buzz about it for free. Knowing how important this topic is and how relevant it would be in my blog, I've decided to spread the info even for free. I even got myself registered and bought the baby CPR course package for $7.95. I didn't hesitate to get the package as I find it very reasonable for 6 month subscription fees with access to video, forum and experts on this field. I know, you must be thinking why do I want to pay for it when I could get free guide from the net. Well, am quite particular about getting reliable information especially for baby health/safety over the net. Hence, to ensure I get the right safety tips, I really don't mind to invest a little bit on it. So mommies and daddies, aunties and uncles or even grandmas and grandpas, here's one site you should visit or even get yourself a course pack to learn how to save a baby's life as you never know when you will find it handy.
But if you're not willing to part with your hard earned money, maybe you may want to view at least these two videos on how to do baby CPR and child CPR from the American Heart Association. As the Scout's motto says, "Be prepared" always! :)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Live telecast debate not to be missed!
The much awaited debate, entitled "Form the government today, reduce fuel prices tomorrow" will be shown live on telly tonite (15th July) at 9pm. It will be between Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and a rep from the Malaysian government.
The showing channels are:
TV9 - (ASTRO Ch 119)
Astro Awani - (ASTRO Ch 501)
Bernama.TV - (ASTRO Ch 502)
IP Global TV will host a live feed via webcast. What an interesting evening its gonna be eh ;p
Monday, July 14, 2008
- consumption of improperly prepared/contaminated food - care taker's hands not washed after diapers change before preparing his food
- improperly cleaned feeding materials
- baby's hands not cleaned after touching dirty surfaces/toys

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
What have I got myself into...
I got myself 2 sets of the rice/egg mold from the Japan Home store in Kompleks Asia City yesterday ;p...I first got to know about this bento thingy from BabyShashaNMom blog months back especially her collection of Hello Kitty bento sets. What caught my eyes was the egg mold and being eggs craze person that I am...I thought to myself how fasicinating to have cute hard boiled eggs hehehe..and it is also a good and creative idea should I need to persuade Ethan to eat his food especially when he starts eating more solid food in the future...But I told myself then that I will not get caught with this craze just yet but seeing and reading entries by all the bento mummies made me succumb to get a starter pack i.e. the 2 sets of rice/egg molds hehehe...what's more when the Japanese store sells it cheaper than eBay at only RM5.90/set (2 a pack). If you wonder how to have a cute molded hard boiled eggs, click here. I can imagine letting Ethan to do his own molded eggs/rice next time heee....I'm sure we'll have fun doing it ;p

13 months Ethan!
Anyway, as hubby is away, FIL accompanied me to the Likas Hospital for Ethan's review. The doctor said he is progressing well and that his physical development is good especially at 10.1kg hee... I was also given a sheet of good food intake guide for infant-toddler which include food guide for children having diarrhea. I thought it is a good guide and decided to scan it and share with those who might be interested. Unfortunately Blogger is unable to accept pdf file. So if you're interested let me know and I can email it to you :) It's in Malay language though...

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Sparkling mommies
Oh nooo…look at the time now…have to get Ethan and myself ready as we going to a wedding dinner reception in a short while….so got to go now as am running out of time…I hope you’ll have a nice evening okay :)

Saturday, July 5, 2008
No more bad pics
Thursday, July 3, 2008
A different lingo
"Precast concrete - Concrete that has been cast into a form which is later incorporated into a structure. A concrete structure may be constructed by casting the concrete in place on the site, by building it of components cast elsewhere, or by a combination of the two. Concrete cast in other than its final position is called precast."
At least now I know what it means and I am no longer wonder why the expanding Jensen Precast is supplying Precast Concrete Septic Tanks. This establishment boasts 40 years of precast concrete experience. With over 1,000 experienced staff, 12 facilities and about 120 vehicles dedicated to transport their goods to their clients, it is no wonder is one of the biggest precast concrete organization in the US.
International Sleep Study on Infants and Toddlers

Bedtime routine
A regular routine helps children to settle down for the night.
IF you are a parent with young children but physically resemble a character from Night of the Living Dead, read on. Parents tend to be more concerned about their child’s nutrition and learning abilities rather than sleep.
A recent international study involving 30,000 children aged zero to three has shown that many parents feel their children do not sleep well, especially Asian children.
The survey, jointly conducted by Johnson & Johnson and the Asia Pacific Paediatric Sleep Alliance (APPSA), is believed to be the largest of its kind.
“Sleep may seem like a natural process but many mothers neglect the importance of good sleep in their children,” said Joyce Lee, Johnson & Johnson Malaysia’s managing director.
Led by prominent US-based paediatrician Dr Jodi Mindell, the study showed that 26% of parents in Caucasian countries believe their child has a sleep problem compared to 54% in Asian countries. (Overall, results in Malaysia and the other Asian countries were very similar.)
Among the questions in the survey was whether parents practised a consistent bedtime routine with their kids.
“Only 53% of Malaysians practise the same bedtime routine with their child compared to 71% of Caucasians,” said How Ti Hwei, director of professional marketing with Johnson & Johnson Asia Pacific.
“In addition, 84% of Malaysian children sleep in the same room as their parents compared to only 35% of Caucasians,” said How, who was involved in the survey.
However, consultant paediatrician and paediatric pulmonologist at Hospital Serdang, Dr Norrashidah Abdul Wahab, advocates co-sleeping, but in different beds.
“The main reason for sleeping in different beds is safety. I also find that mothers do not really want to be separated from their young child.
“It is also easier to breastfeed a child who is in the same room and mothers can also tend to the needs of the child immediately,” she said.
The sleep survey also found that the average time children go to bed in Asia is 9.30pm but in Caucasian countries, it is 8.30pm.
“Caucasians have a specific, earlier bedtime for their children. On the other hand, most Malaysians are not aware of the importance of good (sleep) habits,” said Dr Norrashidah, who is a member of APPSA.
Dr Norrashidah believes that the time children go to bed is important.
“Malaysian children tend to sleep later and wake up late, at nine or 10am. They should sleep by eight or 9pm for the proper cycles of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep to take place,” she explained.
REM sleep is important for brain development while during non-REM sleep, physical growth takes place.
She said that non-REM sleep occurs from 8pm onwards; towards the early morning, more REM sleep occurs.
“The age between zero and three is a crucial period for growth, which happens during sleep,” she said.
To get children to sleep earlier, their afternoon naps should only be about one to two hours, she added.
Proven routine
Prior to the International Sleep Study, Dr Mindell carried out a clinical sleep study in the United States involving 58 mothers and their babies aged seven to 18 months over three weeks.
The study, conducted in 2005, involved practising a three-step routine before bedtime, which comprised a bath, massage and quiet activities like story time.
Results showed that babies slept faster and woke up in the middle of the night less. The longest sleep period in the night also increased by 23% and mothers reported that they were less tired.
“This study shows that a simple three-step routine can help both children and mothers sleep better,” he said, adding that the routine should not take more than 30 minutes.
Added Lee, “Many mothers know intuitively that a routine works. Now, we are sharing with them a practical and proven routine to follow.”
Asian parents who might not be open to bathing their children at night have an alternative – wiping them down with warm water.
“The warmness calms and relaxes the child,” said Lee.
Dr Norrashidah said a regular bedtime routine is important to teach the baby to unwind and go to sleep to maximise the restorative benefits of sleep to aid the baby’s cognitive, social and physical development.
“The lack of a bedtime routine and healthy sleep in the long term can affect a baby’s memory, learning ability and even well-being,” said Dr Norrashidah.
She stressed that the key points are to put a baby to bed early from the start and to continue practising a routine.
“Bathe or wipe them down, change them into their pyjamas, dim the lights, and spend time with them. Read them a book or sing a song. It’s also good to massage them because it is relaxing.
“A routine should continue until the child is about five years old,” she said.
She added that many Malaysian parents do not practise a set routine with their children due to their busy lifestyle.
“Understandably, most mothers work these days and come back late but they still want to spend time and play with their children at night,” she said.
Dr Norrashidah added that although a bigger study is needed, the clinical sleep study shows that a routine is effective in helping children sleep better.
Dream house
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Up up and keep going up
This is just for my own record, I spent RM30 to get my car aligned and RM3 to patch one of the tyres this morning...wonder how much it will cost me to do these stuff next time...hmmm...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Cord Blood Bank
There are many cord blood banks available in the market and one of them is Cryo-Cell International. What is good about this particular company is that besides offering innovative and safe cord blood banking solutions, it also provides counselling for expectant parents about the goodness in preserving cord blood. By doing so, they are able to help these parents to make better informed decision for their families. Consultation service by highly trained and qualified child birth educator service is also available. You can read a testimonial by one particular family here and what makes Cryo-Cell International different than the other leading cord blood banks here. I'm pretty sure you'll be convinced in no time, so do enroll now and enjoy their most current special offers.
Alice's Soaker for Ethan
Ethan & Eli
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