Me & my boys

About Me
- Aunty J
- Mom to two charming princes i.e Ethan (7/6/2007) & Elijah (10/3/2010) and wife to a wonderful hubby who loves to play football and watch football matches but have no favourite team... UPDATE: Hubs claimed that he is now an Arsenal fan...
Chronicles of my two princes and life as a working mom
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Blog Archive
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Stem cell latest discovery

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Smart Allie

Friday, June 27, 2008
Welcome Baby Ryan
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Oh nooo...
Yes, oh nooo... I did a mistake just now that luckily I realized my mistake before I log off from my lap top...dear oh dear...blame it on me rushing to get off as soon as possible so I can be with my precious Ethan...Anyway, on a different note, I don't how I end up on this particular site but I did... I came across a site that mentions about HD Radio Receiver and iPod tagging which I don't have much knowledge about... I am honestly not the type of person who is into all these HD radio...not even sure if we are using the HD radio technology at all here in
My independence level
Your Independence Level: High |
![]() You are extremely self reliant and autonomous. You are definitely into doing your own thing. But you also wouldn't turn down help if you needed it. You follow your own path, but you don't do so blindly. |
Dirt Devil
Yup, Dirt Devil, that's the name of the new energy saver vacuum cleaner. I personally think that this is just what we need especially during this crazy price hikes lately! If you ask me why, well it is because it consumes 70% less energy!! Not only that, it uses the cordless technology too. And on top of that, you can definitely trust the quality of this product as it has earned its rightful approval by the Energy Star! What a cool vacuum cleaner don't you think? If only they sell it here in

Momom & Mama
HD Radio
I'm one of those who loves to listen to the radio while driving... listening to music especially those happy sort of songs or even songs that have sentimental value to me will never fail to put a smile on my face... it is also helpful when I'm stuck in a jam or after a bad day...but normally I will stick to one radio station for quite a while before I change to another radio station. As of this morning, I am still listening to Hit FM mainly because of the two funny DJs :) Since I have this kind of habit for not changing radio stations till I am bored with it, I don't think I will realize if there are any new radio stations. Anyway, have you heard about high definition radio ? I've heard of it but I don't really know what so special about it. But somebody told me that a high definition radio allows iTunes Tagging and it is actually a digital version of the usual FM and AM. They said it is crystal clear and you can also access to many different radio stations. I also heard with iTunes Tagging downloading can be done much simpler. Sounds familiar? Not for me as am truly clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff! hehe..
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Were you or were you not?

Monday, June 23, 2008
My digi cam is dead!
Anyway, I was talking about stem cell just now… but have you heard about menstrual stem cell? Maybe I am ignorant about it but it does sounds amazing and it is something new to my ears hehe... Anyway, this new stem cell service is being offered by C'elle and if you want to know All About C'elle and would like to Become C'elle Distributor please visit their site. I don't know if I would want to Become C'elle Distributor myself as I don't think I know much about this new technology yet. I must go read about it at their site for my own info then...

Pictures of Natural Pose
Protection for both Mom & baby

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Nappy rash & cloth diaper
Anyway, I seeked advice from two CDs experts i.e. Grace of Lildanzell.com and Sandra of miabambina.com. I must say, I'm truly grateful to these two ladies for answering my emails especially Grace who actually called me up. Thank you so much ladies for your concerns and supports :) Both ladies told me that it could be the detergent that I used or the amount that I used (under or over use) and probably the usage or over usage of Dettol (Ethan might be sensitive to it as it does contains some chemical). Grace even told me that some babies are sensitive to micro fleece and Ethan could be one of them. I was then advised to wash all the CDs again with non-toxin and biodegradable detergent to wash away the residue on the CDs and then do a strip wash. I did just that on Sunday and even did one cycle of rinse and spin before and after the strip wash. Just to make sure all traces of dettol and soap residue is washed away. I think the strip wash was a good thing to do as the CDs smell and feel clean after that :)
I've put Ethan on CDs (he was on dispo on Sunday and Monday while waiting for the CDs to get dry) again yesterday and keep my fingers crossed that the nappy rash will not appear anymore. If it doesn't then the Dettol could be the culprit. Otherwise, he could be sensitive to micro fleece which will be a bummer coz what am I to do with his almost 40 pcs of CDs?? Well, if that really is the case, I am confident I could still put them up for sale as gently used CDs. But then again I hope I won't have to go to that extend as I do still feel CDs are better than disposable diapers. One example is that when I change his disposable diapers, I could feel the heat trapped inside as I open his dispo. But I don't experience this when I change his CDs. This shows how breathable CDs are. Another example, we still buy Huggies (for night use before he sleeps)as I have yet to put Ethan full time on CDs. But the amount has reduce tremendously - great cost savings for us.
Oh btw, Grace also recommended to me to use the Ecomax (powder form) non-toxin, biodegradable & environmental friendly detergent from Cosway which I bought for RM13.90 for the first pack and RM9.90 for the second pack this afternoon (its on promotion now) to wash the CDs (can be used to wash baby's clothes too). Another good detergent is of coz the expensive Charlie's Detergent which I find a bit too pricey for me. The price is RM59 for 2.64lbs. bag of laundry powder which however can be used up to 80 full wash load. You can get it from Baby Shasha & Mom . I will try out the Ecomax for now and see how it goes.
BTW, I saw this from BabyShashaNMom's blog and thought it would be good to share the info on how to wash CDs for all the CDs mommies out there :)
- http://www.wickeez.com/wickeezcare.htm.
- http://www.babycottonbottoms.com/cloth_diaper_washing.htm.
- http://www.greenmountaindiapers.com/washing-diapers.htm.http://www.fuzzibunzonline.com/index.asp?PageAction=Custom&ID=8http://www.fuzzibunzonline.com/index.asp?PageAction=Custom&ID=8.
- http://www.kellyscloset.com/index.asp?PageAction=Custom&ID=1.http://www.seattlediaper.com/product_index.php?name=helpful_info.http://www.blueberrybaby.org/diapercare.shtmlhttp://www.seattlediaper.com/product_index.php?name=helpful_info.http://www.blueberrybaby.org/diapercare.shtml.
- http://www.thenaturallifestore.com/pages/productcare.php.http://www.sunshinediapers.com/cloth-diaper-university/choosing-a-detergent/
Here's the list of questions asked by Sandra when I told her about the nappy rash. This is just for my future reference on what could be the possible cause and perhaps you might find it useful too ;p
- About nappy rash, is the rash dry or wet?
- When you apply cream or medication, is it stick to the rash or slipped off?
- How much detergent do you use and how many cd do you wash per time?
- How much dettol do you use ?
- Have you try to wash without dettol?
- What nappy liner do you use? Have you try raw silk liner?
- And again do you use pocket diapers only , have you try any fitted diapers? Or organic one?
- Some baby got sensitive skin and will be better if they use cotton/organic material. This material wont give dry feeling on baby.
Here comes Mr. Postman again...
Ethan's new leg warmers (Babylegs) which I got at a great bargain (RM55 for 2) from Mommy Biz. She still has a couple left (pinkish ones) so if you're interested go check out her site fast! ;p
Ohhh... and I managed to collect these cuties from Janelle's sis last Sunday!! Janelle made these CDs herself. Pretty good eh :)
BTW, these pics were grabbed from Janelle's blog hehe...
If you're wondering what materials did Janelle used, click here. I've just washed and put them on the line last nite...I can't wait to put them on Ethan :)
Flirty you?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
What age do I act?
You Act Like You Are 26 Years Old |
![]() You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life. |
Monday, June 16, 2008
What's with the price increase?
Oh not only did the price for petrol has increased...am sure you’ve heard that the electricity price will go up too...Now that is also another frightening news as these stuff are like our daily needs. With the possibility of increase electricity tariff, we ought to find ways on how to reduce our electricity usage. One particular area which we could consider in our effort to consume less energy is the vacuum cleaner usage. If you're a vacuum cleaner person instead of sweeping person like me then this is one area we should try to find ways to save on electricity. I seldom use the sweeper as I feel using vacuum cleaner is easier plus I feel that it is a cleaner way to clean the dirt and dust in our apartment ;p Anyway, I need to find ways to cut down the usage of electricity without compromising cleanliness in our little crib. Perhaps one option is by using the Dirt Devil Why the Dirt Devil? Because this AccuCharge Stick Vac and Hand Vac uses 70% less energy!! Isn’t that good news!!?? No wonder this first cordless cleaning technolgy has earned Energy Star approval.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
1 year old developments
- walk holding on the furniture (cruise) - not quite. He can pull himself up in his cot or on the sofa though.
- use a few gestures to needs met - he will make noise, forward his body, turn his body etc
- play patty-cake (clap hands) or wave by-bye (most children accomplish these feats by thirteen months) - he can clap hands, wave bye-bye and started to give flying kiss
- drink from a cup independently - nope (am trying to get him to sip from the cup but he still refuse or maybe he doesn't know how to sip from the cup yet..)
- pick up a tiny object neatly with tips of thumb and forefinger (many babies do not accomplish this until nearly fifteen months: continue to keep all dangerous objects out of baby's reach) - he tend to pick up tiny stuff from the floor if he sees them and able to feed himself his baby biscuits
- stand alone momentarily (many don't accomplish this until thirteen months) - have not let him try to stand on his own
- say "dada" or "mama" discriminately (most will say at least one of these by fourteen month) - definitely "dada" first ;p
- "play ball" (roll a ball back to you, many don't accomplish this feat until sixteen months) - he doesn't roll the ball, he will throw the ball at you instead ;p
- stand alone well (many dont' accomplish this feat until sixteen months) - not yet
- use immature jargoning (gibberish that sounds like a foreign language, half oa all babies don't start jargoning until after their first birthday, and many not unitl they are fifteen months old) - not sure what is jargoning means but he does make some sort of baby sounds as if he is talking or singing along with us when we sing ;p
- walk well (three out of four babies don't walk well until thirteen and a half months, and many not until considerably later. Good crawlers may be slower to walk, late walking is rarely a cause of concern) - not walking yet
- say three words or more other than "mama" or "dada" (a good half of all babies won't reach this stage until sixteen months) - not yet
- respond to a one-stop command without gestures ('Give that to me" - without hand out; most children won't reach this stage until after their first birthday, many not until sixteen months)- not yet

Ethan in the early morning of his 1st birthday :)Ethan during his 1st birthday party in his Levi's polo shirt from my Lil People Boutique (BTW, go check it out if you haven't seen the new arrivals...)- he looked a bit confuse with so many people around maybe hehehe...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The morning after...

Below are a couple of video shots of how he enjoyed getting all those lovely gifts :) The first one when he first saw all the presents and the second one showing him playing with his favourite present which was hand picked by himself - the big teddy bear from his grand uncle Nicky and grand aunt Doris :)
See how happy and excited our precious lil' boy was, thanks to all family members, relatives and friends for the wonderful birthday gifts and "ang pow" (red packet)!! :)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Ethan's 1st Year Birthday Prayer
Ethan with his "Aki"
Monday, June 9, 2008
Let's get the party started
A cake with 1 candle

Here's the link to Deana's cakes blog on Ethan's birthday cake :)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Sparkly day
-100% Audit-able In-Post Disclosure
-100% Transparency
-100% Real Opinions
-100% Search Engine Friendly
Not sure if you have noticed but I seldom update my blog a few days back ...well, that was due to me in my lazy mode...and yes, sorry though I have read all the comments that you folks wrote, but I haven't got around to answer all of them...I'm truly sorry if you think I've abandoned you...but worry not coz I didn't as I did read all the comments and really enjoy having comments in my blog...just that I was in a lazy mood (yeah I better be frank then making all sorts of excuses right...)But from today onwards, I will definately start replying comments and those in my chat box again okay :)
Oh well, I best stop writing nonsense now. Instead I should again remind you to go get yourself registered with socialspark.com asap :)

Ethan Turns 1 Year Old!!

For a year, I’ve watched you shine
Baby’s breath and sun-filled skies
© 2007 – Jill Eisnaugle’s Poetry Collection
Friday, June 6, 2008
Care for Ikan Bakar?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Free Mamograms Fund

Ethan & Eli
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