Ethan posing for the camera but Moira was eager to touch and squeeze cute lil' baby Ethan. Hence, the hands of hubby and SIL trying to stop Moira from doing so :)
Why the sour faces sweeties?? hehe..
OK! Time's up for camwhoring! ;p
Chronicles of my two princes and life as a working mom
Ethan posing for the camera but Moira was eager to touch and squeeze cute lil' baby Ethan. Hence, the hands of hubby and SIL trying to stop Moira from doing so :)
Why the sour faces sweeties?? hehe..
OK! Time's up for camwhoring! ;p
But if you have no patient to wait for the video (1:08 mins), here are some pictures taken on his first few attempts hehe...
Yay!! You're almost there baby!! Keep on trying!! :)
Ethan staring at Mr. Smurf . He smiled when we first showed him his Smurfy soft toy :)
My baby playing with his doggie toy - he was trying get the toy near to him so he can lick it ;p
Oh btw, here's a useful link that describes what types of toys your baby should be playing with according to their age... again, I think I should be paid for this :) Hmmmm... I think I should seriously start blog advertising like Jacq, Jewelle and PapaJoneh eh hehehe...
No, its not about my Ethan but a talented young boy also named Ethan...My dad forwarded me this particular interesting video clip on Sunday during his visit...he was pretty excited about it and I don't blame him coz the kid is really a genius! He could play the piano pieaces (no, not the simple ones but some of the greatest ones ok!) just through his memory and he is only a kindy boy!! Check out the video clip and I'm sure you'll agree with me how charming the little boy is ;p I would be ecstatic if my Ethan could speak and play piano like him...hehehe...
With grand aunty Roslyn - Aunty Roslyn said, "wah pandai tinguk camera oh". Daddy said, "of coz la coz suda kena train mummy dia kan". The paparazzi Mummy just kept mum and rolled her eyes up hee...
Look, same sleeping posture! ;p
After I've managed to take this pic and showed to my MIL and my other half, I'm one satisfied mom!! hahaha... see how desperate I was to take his smiling picture but finally... I succeeded... ahhhh... the feeling is just great!! ;p
My sleeping handsome ;p
Posing with Aunty Izah
4 years old Fara & baby Ethan
Cute little Fara
Another pose from lovely Fara
Coloring time with Grandpa
All 6.5kg of my precious...
BTW, the rain didn't stop till early this morning since yesterday evening... we even stayed overnite at my in laws to avoid baby Ethan catching the chill....Anyway, it was such a nice cosy time to sleep in this morning (wished it was Saturday) that my precious slept through and passed his 6am feeding time...he was happily and soundly asleep till 7.30am...I enjoy watching him in his sleep coz he looks so peaceful, relaxed and settled :)
So how much has my baby Ethan grown? Here are details of his development as compared to previous month:
"yeah yeah...tell daddy enuf I said already..""Don't say I didn't warn you mommy..."
"I told you mommy, NO MORE PAPARAZZI!!!! Uwahhhhhhh....."
Opppssss...sorry peep...mommy & daddy got carried away a lil' bit with the paparazzi thingy hee...