Me & my boys

About Me
- Aunty J
- Mom to two charming princes i.e Ethan (7/6/2007) & Elijah (10/3/2010) and wife to a wonderful hubby who loves to play football and watch football matches but have no favourite team... UPDATE: Hubs claimed that he is now an Arsenal fan...
Chronicles of my two princes and life as a working mom
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Which healthcare insurance plan??..
As you and I are aware, medical expenses are very expensive nowadays thus taking healthcare insurance is indeed a wise move to make. However, finding the right medical coverage is not as easy as I thought. With so many choices in the market, finding one that is not only good in terms of protection and coverage but also one that will not burn a hole in our pocket is not an easy task. It can be very time consuming and not forgetting frustrating to gather quotes, compare them and to choose the most suitable one according to our needs. Ideally, we would always want to save on insurance premiums whenever it's possible. There are cheaper insurance rates out there, but we ought to consider the pros and cons of insurance plans before hand so that we will not compromise on the protection and coverage.
If you're having the same problem on deciding which health insurance policy to take up (and are residing in the US) hop on to Advantage Medical Quote. Your burden can be reduced tremendously as Advantage Medical Quote would be able to help you in getting quotes and deciding which is the most suitable health and medical coverage as per your requirements. This particular site is able to do comparison for you and to obtain the best health rates too. Now, isn't that much faster and hassle free? So if you’re having problem of finding the right health insurance, wait no more, Advantage Medical Quote is the answer to your problem!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Xtra pocket $$ through Blogsvertise??!!

How much is my blog worth??
My blog is worth $9,597.18.
How much is your blog worth?
Not much at $9,597.18 but hopefully it will grow continuously.
So, how much is yours? Check it out here!
U.S. consumer group flags more toys with lead
The group's Consumer Reports magazine staff recommended that people immediately stop using some of the products tested.
"Our lab tests detected lead at widely varying levels in samples of dishware, jewelry, glue stick caps, vinyl backpacks, children's ceramic tea sets and other toys and items not on any federal recall list," the group wrote in a magazine report.
It said the items were not included in recent recalls. Last week the Consumer Product Safety Commission recalled 665,000 products, including Go Diego Go Animal Rescue Boats from Mattel Inc's Fisher-Price division.
More than 20 million toys made in China have been recalled worldwide over the past four months due to potentially dangerous levels of lead and hazards posed by small magnets that can be swallowed.
Retailers and manufacturers have stepped up product testing, as high levels of lead can cause brain damage in children.
"We screened products from stores and consumers' homes in the New York metropolitan area using home lead testing kits and an X-ray fluorescence analyzer," the magazine article reads.
The caps were on glue sticks decorated with cartoon characters and were all orange colored, the group added.
"What we envision is that a child will pull the cap off with their teeth will potentially chew on it," Donald Mays, who heads product safety planning for the group, said in a telephone interview.
"Any time that we saw a positive result with these kits and did more scientific testing for lead, we confirmed the presence of lead," he said.
The group said it also found lead in products that were unlikely to leach lead, even when chewed on by children, which raised less concern.
"There is no federal standard for lead in plastics, but the amount of lead detected in the glue stick caps was more than three times the 600 parts per million allowable for paint in the United States," the article reads.
"If you own those items, Consumers Union recommends that you remove them from use."
Monday, October 29, 2007
Ethan is not a car...
Anyway, a day before the shopping trip, Dodu had a short conversation with my 4 yrs old nephew Joshua aka Uaua (his nick) while he was doing his coloring in the living room. BTW, Joshua is sent to my mum's place every afternoon after school.
Dodu: Uaua, bisuk Aunty J mau datang kasi "parking" Ethan tampat Dodu (Aunty J is coming tomorrow to "park" Ethan at Dodu's place)
Joshua with Ethan when he was 2 mths ++
Joshua with Dodu
My cheeky little nephew whom I adore very much :)
Not yet a blogging baby
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Desperate Mommy
Our conversation this morning when I was about to give Ethan his morning milk:
Aunty J: Ba kau kasi bangun dia and kasi dia sanyum and katawa ah, sia mau ambil gambar dia (wake him up and make him smile so I can take his pictures)
Hubby: Ok
Hubby went to the baby cot to unzip the mosquitto net and called out Ethan's name...Ethan as usual will strecth to his heart's content and gave us his gorgeous morning smile...Mommy aka Aunty J excitedly tried to capture the melting moments like nobody business. The camera went snap snap snap...but too bad my digi cam is only a normal 3.2 megapixel Nikon Coolpix 4100 :( So I failed to capture many of his smiling and laughing moments...not fast enough...sigh..But being the very determine person tht I am (which can be pretty annoying at times - ask my hubby hehe..), I persuaded hubby to keep on making Ethan smile and while sweet hubby keep making funny faces and sound to make our baby smile and laugh, our conversation went:
Hubby: Ba capat la, sia mau pigi jamban nie (be quick as I need to go to the loo)
Aunty J: Jangan dulu, kasi katawa dia lagi (hang on, make him smile some more first...)
and so poor hubby continued despite his nature's call...till...
Hubby: Ba ok la, sia pigi tandas luk (Ok, that's enough, let me go to the loo first...)
Aunty J: Nanti dulu, sia mau tangkap dia punya gambar tasayum and katawa dulu (hang on coz I still want to capture his smile and laughter first...)
After a few attempts, hubby started to move away but Aunty J quickly block his way till hubby said:
Hubby: Ba jangan mara ah kalau sia takancing (don't blame me if I peed in my pants..)
Aunty J reluctantly had no choice but to give way...sigh...
Anyway, I took many pictures of Ethan in the hope to catch his brightest and cutest smile again...but after taking almost 40 snaps or so & poor hubby having to control his bladder...this is all that I got...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Double Celebrations
Left to right: Qhareef, Mommy Qeisya & baby Qeisya, Aunty J, Neth with Aishah and Ethan, Jurra with Maya and Melissa with Maia
Friday, October 26, 2007
Another milestone
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Father & Son Bonding
Ethan @ 2 weeks old
Ethan's full moon
Coming to 3 mths...
A week before Ethan turns 4 mths
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The kampung life...
Seeing the bamboo "gate" had me thinking how Ethan may not be able to experience some of the kampung life (which is really not a kampung standard if I really think about it as compared to our parents' time..) that me and my brothers used to experience during our childhood time.
Gone were the days when playing in the mud, playing marbles (main guli), "police & thief", climbing trees (including the so called haunted "pokok ara"), fishing (especially ikan karuk) with simple fishing rod using just bamboo and tiny pin as a hook, catching grasshopper (tangkap belalang), getting yourself dirty trying to catch tadpoles (tangkap berudu) were considered pure enjoyment. Today's kids are more incline towards expensive toys such as computer games, gameboy and playstation. But with the much talked about technology advances, what more can we say...just hope that some day, someone out there will write and compile about the many traditional games or kampung life especially in Sabah that was once enjoyed by the older generations as they are after all part of our history don't you think? :)
This video clip was taken after he was almost bored with the game. I should have taken when he first got excited so you can see his funny facial expression hehe..
I just love taking his pictures when he is asleep...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Never too early for books...
Sayonara Doulos..
Anyway, together with two of my colleagues (we met up with my SIL and nephew Joshua at the ship afterwards), we visited this historical ship yesterday during the long lunch hours.
I shall write no more and let the pictures below to tell you the story...
Click on the picture to read about the short history of Doulos
Read about the volunteer crew on board
It's all about books! I like!
No introduction needed...
My colleagues with SIL and my nephew Joshua
Mona Lisa wannabe??!! Hmmmm...I have no comment...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Raya @ Izah's
When lunch was ready and served, we moved to the dining area and oh boy, I can tell you that not only did the food looked delicious, they taste wonderful too! Besides the kismis mixed with cashew nuts rice (which I transferred all kismis to hubby's plate coz kismis or raisins is a BIG NO NO for me hehe), there were beef rendang (yay!!), chicken curry, chicken in black soya sauce, sticks of chicken and beef satay, ikan masak merah, nasi impit and ketupat. We, especially me and hubby really enjoyed the sumptious dishes coz they were indeed very tasteful!! I Like!! Even hubby commented that the dishes were better than Sempelang's!
We left Izah's around 3pm and lil' Fara followed us to our apartment and played with her fav uncle. I could hear her laughter even from the apartment when she and hubby were playing at the playground. I bet she must have slept early that evening hehe...
Fara with cousin Fikri (son of Izah's younger brother) and their grandma (Izah's mum)
Aunty J with Fara and Fikri :)
Fara with her favourite uncle - the hubby ;p
Fara likes to hold and take picture with Ethan..
My precious... He managed to take a nap on the sofa while we were chit chatting after lunch :)
Fara said, "peace!!" This girl really knows how to dress up, she even put on her own lipstick without a mirror!!
Fara busy teaching hubby how to play her Dora Game Boy...look at their serious faces ;p
My little "butot"
feeling unsatisfied, he strecthed some more and put his legs up highhhhh...
then happily plonked his feet on the bed with a stump
after which he continued to move and wriggle around till one of his legs was out again
when he is done and satisfied, he looked at his mommy (with the digi cam again!!) with that "ok am done, you can carry me and gimme my milk now" look! ;p
However, a few seconds just before I carried him up, he gave me the cutest smile that really made my day! It was such a melting moment :)
Ethan & Eli
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