Me & my boys

About Me
- Aunty J
- Mom to two charming princes i.e Ethan (7/6/2007) & Elijah (10/3/2010) and wife to a wonderful hubby who loves to play football and watch football matches but have no favourite team... UPDATE: Hubs claimed that he is now an Arsenal fan...
Chronicles of my two princes and life as a working mom
Visitor Counter
Blog Archive
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Alphabetical Links
Rule #1
Copy all the links below and replace a single link under the appropriate alphabet. If your domain name, or even the title of your blog, starts with an "A," you'd replace the link under that alphabet and put the replaced link at the bottom. Also, don't forget to credit the tagger, or where you got the list from, at the end of the list with a full URL of the post so that a pingback gets generated.
1. A.
2. B.
3. C.
4. D.
5. E.
6. F.
7. G.
8. H.
9. I.
10. J.
11. K.
12. L.
13. M.
14. N.
15. O.
16. P.
17. Q.
18. R.
19. S.
20. T.
21. U.
22. V.
23. W.
24. X.
25. Y.
26. Z.
Replaced link:
Previous tagger:
Rule #2
You now have to "tag" at least five people and encourage them to participate so that this thing spreads like a virus. Remember, though, that not everyone's into these kinds of things, so don't be upset if they don't participate. Just simply replace your tag. Remember to tag blogs only and no pornographic ones as we do want to keep the integrity as a blogging community.
TIP: Tag your frequent EntreCard droppers via its messaging system.
I'm gonna tag Baby Lovery, Hannie, Aunt Agnes , FloDawn, and Strictpollyanna ;p
Rule #3
Just like any other "meme" out there, ask a question for your taggees to answer along with your own answer to your previous question. This is optional.
To my dear taggees...I'm skipping this rule so you're spared ;)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Football or Fighting?? Competitions by DBKK
Just another day dreaming on this early Tuesday morning...

AirAsia is back with its free seats!!
Booking Period: 29 Jan 2008 - 3 Feb 2008
Travel Period: 26 Feb 2008 - 15 May 2oo8
For your eyes only
Monday, January 28, 2008
What fasinates him and what's not

Friday, January 25, 2008
What I love and hate
1) I love to eat: meat!
2) I hate to eat: raisins....poison to me...
1) I love to go on: a long extended vacation without having to worry about work and money ;p
2) I hate to go on: a long and winding drive... I'll get car sick!
1) I love it when: we can all live in perfect harmony and that nobody knows what war means
2) I hate it when: people become selfish and power greed
1) I love to see: beautiful things
2) I hate to see: negative people
1) I love to hear: happy ending stories
2) I hate to hear: horrible news/stories especially about missing and abused children
I shall now tag:
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Photography Contest for bloggers too??

The contest has different themes for different months and for the month of February the theme is "General" and the submission period is from 10th Jan- 25th Feb. So what are you waiting for fellow bloggers cums photographers? Hop on to the site pronto!! This is the chance for you to "test power" (as we locals say it hehe..) your photography skills! ;p
Oh btw, do read the rules and regulations ya coz I heard the photos have to be taken in Sabah as it is after all a Beautiful Sabah digital photography contest ;p Oh...don't forget to spread the info around too ya :) Gracias !!
201th Post!'s almost 5am now so I think I best try to get some sleep b4 going off to work later...but before that, if you're into online casino, you may want to have a peek at This site offers not only casinos reviews but it is also an avenue for online casino forum and a place to get great tips for those who likes to gamble online. Oh well, that's all for now...I need to get back to sleep now...later folks!
I can't seem to get back to dreamland...
Me and ma' boy :)
Valentine's Day
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Ethan is unwell...
Anyway, being at home I managed to do a little bit of house chores when ever Ethan takes his naps. This morning I managed to do the laundry, did a bit of tidying up in the living room and some food preparations for tonight's dinner. Any how, I was hoping to vacuum the apartment, unfortunately I haven't got the chance to do that yet. Isn't life much simpler with the invention of vacuum? I find it and I'm sure you find cleaning the house using vacuum cleaner is a lot easier and cleaner too since it will take in all the dust. Personally, I have always like the Electrolux vacuum cleaner as I find it has more suction power as compares to other brands. I was visiting my big bro's house last month and saw this Electrolux EL1000A2 Pronto Bagless Stick Cyclonic Vacuum that looks neat. But if I ever do get an Electrolux vacuum cleaner or when my existing one can no longer be used, I would probably get the Electrolux EL6985A Bagged Canister Vacuum. Oppsss...Ethan is calling...gtg!
Another birthday celebration
Anyway, after a few minutes I think she might have found Ethan just a little bit too heavy that she passed him to one of her staff. The staff brought Ethan to the aquarium where Ethan started to "talk" to the fish. But the funny part was that knowing how heavy Ethan is, the lady owner actually grabbed a chair and asked the staff to sit while carrying Ethan hehe... and when hubby finished his dinner, he took over from the kind staff to carry little Ethan...and guess what the staff said..."this baby is so heavy!!" ha! You can say that again hehe... my little prince is almost a pack of 10kg rice at 9.1kg :)
Anyway, we enjoyed the meal and while we went home after dinner, the rest went for a late night movie. Hope my MIL had a great time! :)


Ethan and his "twin" Uncle Dom - they share the same birthday :)

MIL & Clement
MIL, Clement & Dawi
Hope you had a great birthday Mum! :)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The price of being indecisive

Funky day handphone pouch and ...

My inefficient digicam....
I've yet to decide on the upgrading intention but when I do decide to get a new digicam, I'll make sure to choose one that comes with a wide range of digital camera tripods for me to choose from... a tripod shall become "a must buy" since I do like to take pictures of us 3 together as a family unit :) Since I do bring my camera around with me all the time, I would then need a light and mobile tripod too... I'm looking at the features for the Canon Mini 7 Tripod and Gitzo Series 1. Traveler GT1550T Tripod ...
Monday, January 21, 2008
My super friendly and playful Ethan :)
We went to Complex Karamunsing on Sunday as I wanted to change my ancient handphone - finally! While inside the shopping complex we brought Ethan to the McD's playground. See how excited he was looking at the children playing at the playground. He was all shouting and getting all excited!! It was as if he was calling out to the kids when he saw them playing. Talking about him being excited, he was the loudest kid at his cousin's 5th birthday party last Friday evening at the Emperor Restaurant too. Not only did he gets all excited with the surrounding but according to hubby, he even made a baby girl who was smaller then him cried!! When I asked my hubby (I didn't join them as I had to attend my company's 11th Anniversary Dinner at STAR - will blog about it later), Ethan was pretty excited when he first saw the little baby first he just looked at her with an anxious face...then he did his shriek (as usual) before he started to bubble blow his saliva! I think that probably shocked the poor baby thus making her cried though I think Ethan was just trying to be friendly and "talked" to her... tsk tsk tsk...imagine at his age (7 1/2 mths old) he made somebody cried already???....oh dear oh dear....
Mediterranean hols?

Anyway, talking about travelling, I was browsing through a magazine over the weekend and came across an article about "holidaying" in Mediterranean and how beautiful some of the Malta Hotels, Cyprus Hotels and Crete Hotels featured in the magazine. These places are great holiday destinations especially if you're into historic and cultural elements. Maybe I should consider and include these places as some of the holiday destinations in my holiday wish list ;p

Friday, January 18, 2008
Ethan rolling onto his back
Do you dig native American jewellery??
I'm also into another type of accessories which I never knew what type they are until I recently got an email about a site on native American jewellery. They are mostly in turquoise and sterling silver. But they also in other gemstones such as Fire Agate, Kyanite, Onyx, Green Garnet and Iolite etc. These authentic jewelleries are as varied and as unique as the tribes that design it. Each individual Native American tribe normally has its own style of jewelry making. So if you're into these sort of jewellery, please don't miss out the site.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Congrats Frankie & Glo!!

The loving couple ....Frankie & Gloria

The happy lovely couple..

Mel & Destiny
Allan & Bev
Me, Sophie, Alvin (he ain't my hubby.. they just share the same name hehe..) & Sharon...
The De Jesus family: Little Sophie with Alvin and Jane
His New Hooded Cardigan..

Ethan tugging at his sleeve hehehe...
Thank you very much Aunt Janneth! :)
I sooo like the cardi!! Thanks Janneth!! Muaaaahhhh !! :) Hmmm...don't you think I have such talented friends...first it was Jurra's pretty dresses...then now Janneth's knitted cardi...if only I have the talent and patience like them...
Monday, January 14, 2008
Talking about day dreaming...
and the content:
€750,000.00!!!??? That's a lot of money if you convert that into RM!! I wish this is for real....I know I know...I'm just day dreaming again hehe...ok time to logout and wake my hubby up!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008
Are you into cooking?
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Late New Year Eve Entry
Friday, January 11, 2008
No Water in KK on 15th Jan!!
Read the important news below:
By Julia Chan
© Copyright 2008 The New Straits Times Press (M) Berhad. All rights reserved.
If you've been near asbestos and have been having health problems , you may want to call mesothelioma lawsuits to fight for your rights. Hiring a a mesothelioma attorney can help you determine if you are owed compensation from the cause of the asbestos. Lawyers can also help you if you have been exposed to water contamination or any other serious industrial chemical.
Lucky chap...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
My very own Woody Wood Pecker!! ;p
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Don't you hate spam emails
First Xmas Presents

..and finally...his first X'mas gift from Uncle Alex, Aunt Jasica & cousin Allie..
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
I'm still up...
What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?
What Joyce Means |
![]() You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you.You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries.You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.
Have you ever been to Ireland?

Monday, January 7, 2008
Ethan @ 7 months old
According to What to Expect the First Year by Heidi Murkoff, Sandee Hathaway, Arlene Eisnberg (this is a good reference for all you mommies out there especially new mommies like me - got mine from Times bookstore and I'm planning to get What to Expect the Toddler Years soon),
By 7 months, your baby...should be able to:
- feed self a cracker - I haven't tried giving him any cracker but he tried to self feed himself with his bottle or anything that he managed to grab on...does that count?;)
- razz (make wet razzing sound) - checked
- coo or babble when happy - checked
- smile often when interacting with you - definitely checked
...will probably be able to:
- sit without support - not yet
- bear some weight on legs when held upright - indeed checked
- object if you try to take a toy away - I think checked
- work to get a toy that's out of reach - checked
- look for dropped objects - I think checked
- rake with fingers an object and pick it up in fist - not quite sure what this means you?
- turn in the direction of a voice -very checked
- babbles, combining vowels and consonants such as ga-ga-ga, ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma, da-da-da - does 'abu-abu-abu' counts? ;p
- play peekaboo - I play peekaboo with him and he likes it though he doesn't "peeka-himself-boo" yet ;p
...may possibly be able to:
- creep or crawl - definitely not yet
- pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other - not quite though I think he did try a few times
- stand holding on to someone or something - haven't let him try this yet
...may even
- pull up to standing position from sitting - not yet but he tried to pull himself up by holding on to the bars of his cot though
- play patty-cake (clap hands) or wave bye-bye - he doesn't know how to clap his own hands but he likes it when I play clapping hands with him and he likes to pat his hand on mine or hubby's when we play with him

My 7mths old prince ;p

Now watch his leg...

See where it'll ended up...

Very flexible indeed...wait till you're old like your mummy now will not be able to bend and touch your toes, so enjoy your super "yoga" movements now!! ;p

Now watch it...juz watch his leg...

Ethan & Eli
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- Photo of the day
- What I love and hate
- Photography Contest for bloggers too??
- 201th Post!
- I can't seem to get back to dreamland...
- Valentine's Day
- Photo of the day
- Ethan is unwell...
- Another birthday celebration
- The price of being indecisive
- My inefficient digicam....
- My super friendly and playful Ethan :)
- Photo of the day
- Mediterranean hols?
- Ethan rolling onto his back
- Do you dig native American jewellery??
- Photo of the day
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- Congrats Frankie & Glo!!
- His New Hooded Cardigan..
- Talking about day dreaming...
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- No Water in KK on 15th Jan!!
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- Lucky chap...
- My very own Woody Wood Pecker!! ;p
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