Me & my boys

About Me
- Aunty J
- Mom to two charming princes i.e Ethan (7/6/2007) & Elijah (10/3/2010) and wife to a wonderful hubby who loves to play football and watch football matches but have no favourite team... UPDATE: Hubs claimed that he is now an Arsenal fan...
Chronicles of my two princes and life as a working mom
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Friday, February 29, 2008
Night shoppers?
Cover girl!
Folks, quick go grab the February issue of TruLove magazine to read a feature about me on my wedding day!! ;) Nah....just kidding...this cover girl wannabe just fooling around with the Fake Magazine Cover from Jurra's blog ;p
Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at Discount Magazine Subscriptions - Save big!
Be protected
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tagging along game
I got tagged by Hannie again and this time I need to randomly select 5 of you to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You will have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes we hope it will be a long list!) It’s real easy!Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponentially
The benefits of Viral Linking:
- One of the fastest ways to see your technorati authority explode!
- Increase your Google PageRank fast
- Attract large volume of new traffic to your site
- Build your community
- Make new friends!
5 lucky people I've chosen to tag:
Enjoy folks! :)
Shopping headache??
I've so far made shopping trips to Bangkok and Hong Kong. It was really fun going to these two places. Things are pretty cheap in Bangkok not forgetting the superlicious Tom Yam!! Of coz travelling with great company made those trips more memorable!! Hong Kong during the Summer Sales (which was on when we were there) offers great bargains too. Food wise, I love the porridge, mango dessert and dim sum there...the food was really delicious but some may find the food and things a bit dear if you convert the currency to RM (Thank goodness I was still earning S$ then). Talking about shopping, if your family practise gifts giving tradition on Christmas day, you should probably act on it while you're on your shopping trips...otherwise you may end up rushing and paying more as you'll probably just grab whatever you think is fine as Christmas presents...Another way to beat the rush and long que is to plan ahead and buy your Christmas presents on Black Friday site. You can start purchasing items from their site on the day after Thanks Giving. Do get yourself subcribe to their newsletter too so that you can get hold of their black friday ads ;p
New look :)
To my dear blog designer aka Cindy, you've been great and wonderfully talented!! My sincere thanks for being patient to the fussy old me!! ;p
So how do you like the new look folks? ;p If you ask me, I soooooo like it very much!!! :) And yes, quick, join in the que to get her to design your blog theme as this creative girl is very high in demand!! Oh btw, did I mention her price is very reasonable too?? :)
Ooppss, it's 2.16am now...I was busy putting the widgets and codes on me new blog design just now that I've totally forgotten about the time.....time to hit the sack folks!! Sweet dreams everyone and see ya later!! :)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
2 men + 2 babies

Better than good
Aki & Dodu

Little E so happy with his Dodu, Aki and cousins Joshua & Moira :)
Let's sing the lullaby...

Monday, February 25, 2008
Friends & Family + Blogs I Read
- A New Beginning
- Amelia
- Anything Goes!
- Being Stellar
- Bitterlysweet
- Can we get personal
- Chanel's Journal
- CookingMomster
- Dare to Believe
- Deana Cakes
- Dosh Dosh
- Dot Com Mogul
- Family of Js
- Foreign Beauty
- FridayCat
- Grin Mama Blues
- Glad2bHere.Net
- Hannie
- Happy Lil' People in the Hse
- Its a New Day
- Jacq
- Jewelle
- Jewelle Tan Personally
- Jo-N
- Julian & Morin
- Juramo
- Kadazan Bonita
- KadusMama
- Kampung Girl
- Keaton's Dad
- Kinabalu Home
- Life goes on.....
- Life is...
- Life is good
- Lisa's new life in Perth
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- Mommy's life
- MommieCay
- Mum2CheekyBums
- MyChildrenJournal
- My shabby life
- MyUniqueSay
- Neneth's Masterpiece
- Neneth's Knitting Corner
- Nessa's Mumblings
- OLKgal
- Once Upon a Time
- Ordinary Days
- Osindak's Life
- PapaJoneh
- Petty Ramblings of a Petty Queen
- Photograph by DorisJ
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- Precious Moments...
- PropertyNet
- Quirin
- RantingsbyMM
- Rojak Librarian
- Sew Cute
- Share.Fun.Socialize
- Sindut's Lollygag
- Small Fish Big Money
- Static Alibis
- StoryMory2Share
- Sweet Cranky Angel
- ta66y's ark
- The collections gallery
- ...the Guru-Guru life
- The Wong Home
- Time to change
- Two Handed Octopus
- Ulai
- What's going on
- youPOS
- Yours truly, Ms Contrary
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The red carpet
Anyway, I'm sure those that watch Chanel E! knows how much these superstars would go the extra miles just to look fantastic (which they do most of the time really...except some weird fashion taste or could it be just some publicity stint? ;p) on Oscars Awards day. Recently I saw in the news that some celebrities are opting for Liposuction to look good. Now that I have to see...Imagine the actress of Roseaane Barr in slimmer version...I think she would look very pretty don't you think? :)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
This is what happened when...

Friday, February 22, 2008
Out with the neighbour

Thursday, February 21, 2008
Stay away from debts!
Photo of the day
Car booth sales
How evil are you?
Are you in debt?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Latest developments of Lil' E
Besides clapping his hands, he also made a few attempts to lift his knees up while he was on his tummy yesterday. Another new skill hehe.....I guess he wants to start crawling already :) My precious will do a 'high five' when you put your palms up to him too. We've also noticed recently that he tried to push his body up sideway a few times...probably trying to sit??....
Diving Course on Promo @ RM650 only!!
So quick grab this opportunity fast coz the offer is valid till April only!!
If you’re interested please email to Clement at or or call him at 019-8638565 today!
Here are some details of the course:
The Open water course is the first entry level to dive independently with a buddy.
The course is divided into three main parts:
- Knowledge development
- 5 Confined water training
- 4 Open water training
Day 1
- Registration ,knowledge development (quizzes) and examination (Modules 1 - 5)
- Duration 9 hrs (Classroom sessions)
Day 2
- 3 Confined water sessions
- Dive 1
- Lunch break
- Dive 2
Day 3
- 2 Confined water sessions
- Dive 3
- Lunch break
- Dive 4
- Certification.
Course fee includes:
- Jetty fee (RM6.00), Park fee (RM20.00-local), (RM50.00-foreign) and boat transfer KK-park-KK
- Manual and PADI certification
- Equipments
(Co. No. 655773-A) (KKKP 4000)
Lot 3A-15, 3rd Floor, Central Plaza, Jalan Banjaran,
Kepayan Ridge, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Tel: +6 088 242620 Fax: +6 088 252368
Hotline: + 019-8638565 (Clement), + 019-8506882 (Dominic)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Pearl is 5 while Zach is 1!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
An evening with the girls

From left to right: Jacq, Carol, Wek, Collyn, Eng, Marie and yours truly ;)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Not yet sitting on his own or crawling...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Afraid he is not

Here comes the tung tung chang...

The curious and not frighten Ethan ;p

Ethan doing his funny face and must be wondering what was that furry thingy beside him hehe...
Finally Ethan posing with the tung tung chang :)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Living in royalty
Well, being the latest addition to the Sultan of Brunei's family recently (29th Jan)...this cot is of coz meant for a real princess! :)

Monday, February 11, 2008
CNY Rewinded
1st Day of CNY - dinner with my in-laws-- sorry no photos taken as the workaholic paparazzi was busy eating and was on so-called unofficially off duty! Here's a photo of my lil' E instead ;p

SIL, Big Bro & Allie

The hubs & Lil' E with him doing his funny face, AGAIN! ;)

Ethan with his grandma at Tosaraya

Look at his mischevious smile ;p

Ma' boy & I...

Me mum with some of our close relatives

So how was your CNY celebrations or CNY break?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Girls just wanna have fun
Friday, February 8, 2008
8 months he is!!
His weights 9.1 kg now :)
Yup, my precious prince turned 8 month old on the first day of Chinese New Year i.e. yesterday. I've yet to know his weight till his next visit to the clinic on Monday. So will update on that later.
As for his milestones, let's see his progress according to "What to expect the first year" by Murkoff et al (2003) :
By eight months, your baby... should be able to:
...will probably be able to:
- pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other - checked
- stand holding on to someone or something - checked
- object if you try to take a toy away - checked
- work to get a toy that's out of reach - checked
- play peekabo - checked
- get into a position from stomach - only to and fro from stomach to lying on his back
- creep or crawl - not yet
- pull up to standing position from sitting - not yet
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Are you into medical tv show?
ER must have been very successful as more medical tv shows started to appear soon after. One of them which I'm pretty sure you may be one of their big fans too is Grey's Anatomy (GA). GA is a big hit here and of coz there are House M.D. and Scrubs for those who fancy a jolly good laugh. Others include Nip/Tuck and 3 lbs. And if you're wondering why I didn't include "General Hospital" as medical tv show?? Well, simply because I find it more like a soap opera (*rolling eyes*) than anything else! I find it sooo utterly boring (yawn yawn)!!
Besides being entertaining, I enjoy watching all these medical tv shows as we can learn a thing or two from them. The scenes in ER and Grey's Anatomy are like real life scenes. Sometimes I do wonder if these actors had to go for some sort of medical training in order to embrace their on screen characters succesfully. Thanks to the Oprah Winfrey show, I know for sure that the actors and actresses for CSI do have guidance or training from a real former FBI agent... So anybody have any idea if these actors/actresses have to go for any sort of medical training?
Hubby on the other hand is not really a fan of medical tv show...he prefers movie shows and of coz his sport channels!! I wonder if Ethan would enjoy medical tv shows...who knows one day he may take the career path of becoming a doctor..if that happens, then I would certainly be very happy hehe...but then again...he will then have to experience a very hectic life style...hmmm...maybe becoming an engineer would be better....opppss am thinking too far ahead again...I should just let's him decide for himself what he wants to do in the future right... hmmm...
Monday, February 4, 2008
4 Mandarin oranges = a plate of rice??!!
Sunday February 3, 2008
Titbits can leave you a tad fat, says nutritionist
PETALING JAYA: Here’s a sobering thought before the Chinese New Year: In terms of sugar content, eating four Mandarin oranges is equivalent to eating a plate of rice.
Even one orange has sugar content equivalent to a slice of bread, Prof Datuk Dr Khalid Abdul Kadir, consultant endocrinologist and professor of medicine at Monash University Malaysia, advises the public.
Orange alert: Experts warn that Mandarin oranges have high sugar content and should be eaten sparingly.
“It is easily absorbed and causes a huge spike in the glucose levels. So, be careful,” he warned diabetics.
Oranges aren’t the only problem for diabetics. Yee sang too, which is taken with a sweet syrup, should be eaten sparingly, he said.
“If you take too much, your blood glucose levels are going to be too high,” he said.
Individuals can gain an average of 2kg to 3kg by over-indulging in the two weeks of festivities.
Dr Tee E Siong, Nutrition Society of Malaysia president, has advised that it will be healthier to chomp on smaller portions of food instead.
The main problem, he said, is “gorging on the food”.
“It is difficult to lose the weight and the fat especially around the belly.
“And it can stay there until the next festival comes around,” he said in an interview.
“Some pork dishes like trotters do not taste good without that layer of fat. So, eat less of it.
“When you are preparing the reunion dinner or serving your guests in the days after that, try having less fried food to cut down on the number of calories,” he said.
When it comes to alcohol, he points out that 100ml of beer typically contains four grams of alcohol, which translates into 14gm of sugar.
Another festive favourite that should be eaten sparingly is the nian gau (kuih bakul) because of its high carbohydrate content and it is also very sweet, Dr Tee said.
He said peanuts also have high fat content.
“There is no single ‘bad’ food. Rather it is a combination of it.
“Just be mindful of what you eat,” he said.
Among the tips from Dr Tee are using a smaller plate so that the usual portions will look bigger, have a little of everything during a buffet and stop eating before you feel full.
All girls + 1 guy outing

Me, Collyn, Donn, Chai, WunKit & Jess
Count the candles if you want to know his age!! Sorry Chai for leaking your secret out!! haha..
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Are kids today too spoiled?
Oppsss...have to do the dishes now while Ethan is taking his afternoon nap. I'm rather sleepy I wish I own a dishwasher so I don't have to do much. I think hubby would love the LG LDF6810 Dishwasher because of its metallic look while I would prefer a black looking dishwasher such as the GE GLD5900NWW / GLD5900NBB / GLD5900NCC Dishwasher :)
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Xin Nian Kuai Le
Happy 11th Birthday!!

While I was attending the anniversary dinner, hubby and Ethan attended Joshua's 5th birthday party at the New Emperor Restaurant. That night, hubby sms-ed me to tell me that Ethan was not only the loudest boy but he made a little girl cried with his usual shriek and this ...poor little girl who probably got frighten by my aggressive boy! ;p
Ethan & Eli
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